I found a JW (pseudo really) on Facebook who had pictures of him with a Convention lapel card and dressed up with his wife/gf. He is a gangsta rapper and his rapper name incorporates someone who had committed serious crimes.
So I wrote him and asked him how he could justify being a JW and Rapper at he same time given the strong stance the cult has against rap music especially. The reasoning and response was priceless and typical denial. Showing him quotations from the publications got me the silent treatment.
For people like the Serena Williams and others like Prince, is that the full weight of the cult's unwritten laws are only applied gradually after they become more and more committed members. If Serena was to quit being in the spot light and chose to pioneer or pursue other so called priviledges then you would see more heavy handed efforts to control her.
Sad really, because if someone was to tell her the way it is for most women in the JW's, her mind can only at this point grasp how it is or has been in her personal experience. Never thinking that one day 2 busy body elders will read her the riot act.