Hello everyone. I've been lurking on the sidelines for a while and have decided to jump in and introduce myself. The name kinda gives it away. I'm a lifer who got a shocker about a year ago by stumbling across the 607 baloney. After I saw the 'wires' (you know the ones that make you think superman can really fly) then I started seeing them everywhere. Lurking here has sent me on more than a few interesting research jags. I'm so glad I have that extra night for study! I've been observing long enough to (I think) figure out who here is the real deal and who isn't. It's irritating to have to sift that, but I guess that's the price of anonymity. Very interested who, like me is seriously fed up with the JW's but is rather trapped in by a life build around it. How many more lurkers? Too bad for the paranoia we all feel if we are still in. Anyways howdy and thanks for many compelling threads(and a few incomprehensible ones!) ofo
First post after lurking on the sidelines
by onefootout 50 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome...glad you are no longer on the sidelines.
Superman can't really fly? Say it isn't so!
Welcome to JWN onefootout. Yep.....alot of us lurked for a long time before posting. And, I think you'll find that there are many on here in the same situation as you whereby you've found out the religion is a crock, but you've got family still in.
This board is a wealth of information and I hope you'll like it here.
Welcome! There are a lot of posters here who are still active JW's. Be careful about telling about yourself, and who you respond to in PM's. (Personal Messages.)
I got a lot of support on here. It was pretty bad when I first realized the Truth. Very emotional. I am still in for the family and friends, trying to get them out using the "undercover" method.
Again, welcome!!!!!!!
Welcome, Onefootout!
welcome - I still go to meetings - and yes 607 baloney is what first got me in the 1990s
Welcome ono! Great name.
All of us here had our life built around, (and under and over), the JWs. The cost to leave is dear, but the cost in staying is even more dear for most. It all depends on what you can put up with.
Welcome again! And continued success in your search. Feel free to hop in the discussions, we look forward to you posts.
Welcome to the board!