Accidental Instantaneous Sex

by rebel8 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah
    Calling all cars! Calling all cars! We have an ovum at large! It is to be considered armed, deviant, and capable of causing sex disturbances! Use extreme caution when approaching!

    Spewed AGAIN!

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Use extreme caution when approaching!

    I certainly agree with that advice. Control barriers to be used.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I wonder if Knorr or Franz wrote that drivel...

    Rebel8, you hit it on the head. I couldn't even work with old sisters in FS when I was in my 20's... Why?

    "Because IT happened in the past..."

    So needless to say, the thought of having sex with a california raisin was deep in my heart. I can now admit that! Thank GAWD for the elders who helped protect me from myself and my lustful desires toward all sisters looking like Bea Arthur.... (or Estelle Getty)

    (please note that this is a satire, and if you really believe what I just wrote in the last paragraph, its time to break down, visit your shrink, and get on some good meds....)

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Sex Sex Sex

    That's all JW's think about.

    I've never met anyone in the world that is as obsessed about it as the dubs.

  • mouthy

    Always their right hands, Mouthy? Do WTBTS even have rules about that? Bit rough on south paw
    isn't it?

    I never even thought of that. Yes I guess I never knew a lefthander

  • jamiebowers

    When I pioneered as a young wife I worked alone with many brothers. Usually they were of retirement age, because they were the only people available during the day time hours. I guess the rules were different in the two congregations I attended.

  • davegod

    I have got to get me some of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • restrangled

    Rebel8.....I just remember the most pious Elder pointing the finger at me, wound up being a humper of the mother I was babysitting for. She had 5 crazey little boys...that I enjoyed, and I sat for this woman while this elder "studied" her or should I say with her, (oops).....accidental sex was going on....yawn.

    Need I say more? (Oh those tempting bible studies!)


  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    And have you also considered that young couples who may have wanted to remain virgins were being set up to fail......... that if they found themselves alone........ then they must have sex .....can't help themselves... to be expected

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OK After reading the first post I put my glass down just in case any posts resulted in my monitor or keyboard wearing my cola

    I recall being 16 and getting major he!! from my mother for going into the home of some young fellows our my age my age while their parents weren't home. I didn't go alone - a female JW - not baptized was with me. But the shame we brought on that family because "what would the neighbors think!"

    I'm amazed I didn't jump on a couple of them while we were there and have our way with them.

    Funny how it is the females that are supposedly attacking the males. Seems to me there should be a lot more men charging women with sexual abuse and assault in the courts.

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