Change of Heart

by evergreen 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anti-Christ

    Your reasoning sounds like Pascal wager.

    Like I said to the other poster that is considering going back, do what you must do. It took me a lot of time and research to understand what I do now and I am not done. Religion is only looking out for itself, it needs people to survive, we don't need it. The bible was written by men and used by the powerful to maintain their power. Do some research on the bible, real research not WT research, how can they be honest? they will not give you information that cast doubt on their position of power. Like I said do what you must do and good luck.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    I'm all for freedom of religion, and if an adult wants to join a high-control group like the Witnesses--more power to him/her. I think the OP here is probably a good fit for the Witnesses.

    As we all know, the Witnesses frown on higher education. It's fairly obvious that the OP has not taken a course in statistics. The OP states the following:

    There can only possibly be one of three outcomes now that I have chosen the path I am taking.

    1/ That I will enter into Gods Kingdom and enjoy all the blessings as promised by God and his son Jesus; or that I am resurrected as one of the righteous or unrighteous ones if I fall asleep in death before the coming of the Kingdom on earth.

    2/ That I will not make it through the great Tribulation for what ever reason - as rejected by Jesus.

    3/ That the Kingdom is indeed a figment of mens imaginations and that I will simply die in X amount of years; and there is nothing else.

    That still leaves me with a one in three chance of such a wonderful hope. This is far better than no hope at all.

    Note that the OP says she has a 1/3 chance. Are you kidding? That's like buying a lottery ticket and saying you have a 1 in 2 chance of winning the $200 million jackpot--either you will win or you won't! The fact is that of the two outcomes, one is much less likely than the other.

    Same thing with the OP's Pascal-esque choices. In order for the OP to get his/her wish, at least two incredibly unlikely things must be true: (1) the Bible, with all of its contradictions and errors must be the infallible word of an omnipotent God; and (2) the Watchtower organization must be God's one true channel for salvation.

    But, hey, I like the fantasy world that the OP is living in. Maybe I'll pick up a lottery ticket tonight--I've got a 1 in 2 chance of winning the jackpot!

  • chickpea

    good luck with that mate....

    in the real world,
    you can always
    change your mind....

  • jamiebowers
    I believe that all errors that Jehovahs witnesses and other Christian denominations are doing now, will only be completely revealed and straightened out in the coming Kingdom. I believe that Satan has done his best to confuse things, but humans are making inroads back to pure worship despite all the confusion.

    It is your life, but it's sad that you want to serve an organization that fights tooth and nail to cover up abominations such as child molestation and domestic violence. Many jws are waiting for the "errors to be revealed and straightened out in the coming Kingdom" but are stuck with the fact that evil prevails when good men do nothing.


    Your going to Die waiting for the New System.....Plenty of my relatives have.....At least a Kingdom Hall is a warm place,to Wait to Die................................Good Luck!!.............................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • parakeet

    I am writing in to say that I have come to a decision to return to the meetings at my local Kingdom Hall. After much soul searching and careful thought, I feel happy with my decision.

    It's hard to feel happy with any decision if you're braindead, which you will be (if not already).

    That still leaves me with a one in three chance of such a wonderful hope. This is far better than no hope at all.

    LOL. You're betting on Jehovah like you would on a favorite horese at the Belmont Stakes. I'm sure Jehovah is just tickled pink at such intense and passionate faith in his "promises" for the faithful on earth. Nothing like hedging a bet.

    BTW, I just got a good tip -- Braindead Hoofer in the fourth race.

  • avishai

    I hope you don't have kids. How many have been molested or killed due to ever changing policy in "Jehovah's spirit directed organization?" Oh, I have proof of their lies and collusion to cover up child molesting, from the top on down. Also, proof of the WT lawyers in unethical and criminal behavior to screw the victims out of money. If your comfortable with that, have a vasectomy and have fun.

  • wobble

    Dear Evergreen,

    I can empathise with your feeling of loss at being away from the KH. I was born in and spent 58 years as an active Witness. I left for conscientious and Scriptural reasons. There are good ways to fill the void.

    In that 58 years I was trained to listen to my conscience. I cannot go back to an organization that is disrespectful to our Lord Jesus, to God's Word the Bible, and to its own members.

    2 Corinthians 6 v 14 to 7v1 are woth reading with an open mind, we HAVE the promises of God, if we seperate from false religion.

    I hope you find your way to the true God as you said in your profile.

    All the best for the future,



  • carla

    If you can in good conscience go back to an org that lies to you, condones and hides pedophiles, breaks up families & marriages, encourages lying (who is the father of lies?), treats women much like the Tailban, demands suicide from it's members, puts children upon their altar do die for the men in NY, an org that insists on micro managing your every move from your entertainment, grooming, dress, underclothes, friends, etc., to how you can make love to your spouse, an org that claims to be of God yet has twisted, added, and perverted the Word of God, perverted and distorted historical facts, perverts and misquotes authors and experts, has used and approved of the occult including using Greber, the list goes on and on. If you can know ALL of these things and go back to such people, well, I don't know what to say.

    I understand those who go back to keep their families I don't understand how anybody who can read the horrors and heartbreak of the ex jw boards would willingly of their own accord go back to such an evil ungodly organization. I cannot understand anyone who claims to have a love for God would go back to such an unbiblical and ungodly organization.

    Have you tried reading a non jw bible without any jw aids? There is no way anybody could ever come to the same conclusions as the jw's by reading the bible alone. Sadly, as a jw you are not even allowed to do this simple task. And that is how cults operate, keep you from information and enslave you. In this case they keep you from Christ Himself and put themselves in His place. You will never know if you have truth when you don't have free inquiry. You will never know and will always have nagging doubts as you did in the end of your letter if you are too fearful to find out what is the truth, to do that you must research many, many things from many different sources.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I can't say that I think you are going to be safe, but if you are happy I am happy for you. If you find the wt to be lacking in what you are looking for, remember Jesus.

    All my best wishes go out to you.

    Lorenzo in Fresno

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