Did you know JW's who worked in SALES?

by BonaFide 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    The brothers and sisters that I knew that worked in sales DID GREAT in the congregation. Their presentations, their talks, their knowledge of all the publications, they were really on top of things. Those that worked in other fields sometimes really struggled at placing literature and in getting studies.

    One brother in my hall used to have special sessions with those that wanted to improve their presentation. He used a whiteboard and drew a triangle, demonstrating the Amway sales method. He claimed it worked for the WT and AW magazine as well. He was right.

    So, what about your Hall? Did the Salesman brothers and sisters do better than others?


  • Quirky1

    I was one of them...I've been in sales for over 20 years.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Yes. The best COs are salesmen too.

  • Colton

    Yup, that's how I learned to NEVER TO BUSINESS WITH A JW BROTHER! You aren't supposed to sue them.

  • BonaFide

    Quirky1, so I would imagine you had no problem placing literature and getting studies?


  • still_in74

    i used to be in sales. It was almost an imediate slide into virtual inactivity as soon as I began. Sales consumed my every thought and i felt like I was selling watchtowers.

    that was many years ago. Funny how i was right! (about "selling" WT's")

  • Quirky1

    Placing literature, no problem. Studies, never wanted one so I didn't pursue this strongly.

  • leavingwt

    Have you ever met a true salesman who was not a great liar?

  • Quirky1

    Never have to lie. You just have to know and believe in your product.

  • leavingwt

    You just have to know and believe in your product.

    Yes, I agree. If you believe in your product, lying is not necessary.

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