Pumping Gas with engine running....

by cameo-d 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    It really isn't as dangerous as it might appear, but it is still a waste of gas. In theory, a spark from the spark plug could blow it up, but then again so could the starter. Actually, operating any electrical switch around gas fumes (whether gas is pumping or not) has a tiny spark, and a chance of an explosion (including that cell phone).

    No, the world isn't 100% safe even if we are regulated to death. But I can think of things that are more dangerous than running the engine while pumping gas. Like driving to the gas station, smoking, taking your prescriptions as directed, and eating the poison that the food companies pass on as "food".

  • cameo-d

    Jaguar.... When I was a kid I remember an incident of a gas station blowing up because some guy was smoking and pumping. From what I recall (from oh so many years ago) two pumps caught fire as well as the car and the man was killed. I can still see the image in my head. It wasn't too far away from where I lived. It really made an impression on me.

    I wonder if the 10% ethanol makes the gas more or less explosive now?

  • davegod

    Nanny State!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Are you kidding ME????? Here in Australia we use a lit match to peer inside the tank and see if it's full yet....death toll this year 5,000 people!

  • leavingwt

    Driving the automobile is far more dangerous than pumping the gas while with the engine is running.

  • Quirky1

    Are you sure it wasn't deisel?

  • drwtsn32

    Who you replying to, Quirky? From what I understand deisel is hard to light even with an open flame.

  • Chalam

    I always do the Dukes of Hazzard thing when at the gas pump.

    What was that? It must be thirty years nearly since I watched it. I loved it, "Enos you dipstick!"

    All the best,


  • Quirky1
    I saw someone doing that today. Big old Ram truck and the motor running while he was pumping gas.
    How dangerous is that?

    The original says gas but most people that drive deisel trucks never shut them off.

  • ziddina

    Uhhhh, Guys!!!!???!! HOT exhaust pipe??? Which starts to cool down immediately (below ignition heat level) once engine is turned off... HOT Catalytic converter... Also - if car backfires - THAT could ignite the fumes!

    We have to watch out for hot exhaust pipes causing prairie fires and forest fires in our area... No backing up onto dry grass after hauling uphill over a mountain pass for half-an-hour or more. Even parking your car at work in the wrong area after the daily commute could cause problems... Many people don't think of these things... Zid

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