never before date or period for the end...we are in uncharted waters

by oompa 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    right now.......and since 1995.....WT has no real teaching to show how close we are to the end......none......most dubs prob dont even know......but WT has always been about dates.....and how close the end is to those dates......but now.....since we unplugged the generation of 1914 to the end of the world.......and now that we are still recruiting the anointed for heaven......the last days can last and last and last......duh...that is why they are called the last days!!!........and so do they still teach it is "very, very near" (only used one time in WT)....or "imminent" ???......just a year ago i think? how close do they say we are now and why?.........damm the bible is soooo clear that nobody knows the day or hour...yet i bet they still say is just around the corner (based on what scripture!?!??!?!?!).........

    so where is the urgency?....what do dubs say in service as to how close we are to the end?....and so the need to study and get baptised?

  • leavingwt

    But, Oompa, it's the Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuth.

  • oompa

    ya...but now the OFFICIAL teaching is "apparently we have no clue where we are in the stream of time as relates to what the bible says about the end of the world"......i was reading a current awake about this the other day.....and it still teaches we are in the last days....but of course no mention of how LONG they could last.....big big change.......oompa

  • leavingwt

    "Armageddon: Just Around the Corner Since 1879!"

  • onefootout

    I love this topic.

    I was a little miffed at the 1995 change but told myself that it just put it off a little. I was still hanging on the 1935 date and it was always said that there would still be members of the anointed on earth when armageddon started. So, those anointed in 1935 couldn't all die before armageddon...still the time limit. 1935 and what do you get? A very pissed off OFO. Yes that QFR really rocked my boat, although I had already discovered the 607 myth by that time. 1935 was a BIG nail in the coffin. I was really ticked that such a major doctrine change was slipped in as a QFR. As if these are genuine questions people mail in. Please. What a bunch of cowards. Slick ones. But still cowards. ofo

  • truthsetsonefree

    That was amazing...a QFR. They know how ridiculous this doctrinal change really is. Otherwise what not advertise it.

  • oompa

    many....on other mainstream sites like not accept qfr as a REAL wt position.......really.....i mean...daddy tol me always make sure it is in wt print before you should beleive it.........and some say qfr is not REAL enough.......brudda.........oompa

  • yknot

    I agree that we are at a never before seen era...... no date and no explanation of the end being near because....

    Poor and under-educated members can't afford to keep the GB in the manner they have come accustomed too...

    Low retention also adds to the pressures to make some radical changes.

    I think the recession and loss of the sales of NY property at for big bucks has the WTS realizing that Eastern Europe can never replace the Westernized nations donations.

    The longer this stagnation of clampdown-ness last the more they lose both physically and mentally.

    Perhaps Ex/Bethelites in the know would like to comment on the rest of the changes planned before Lloyd's death.

    Will they make a move to expand the 'lifestyle' aspect similar to the Mormons or has the 'exit strategy' begun?

  • ziddina

    Aaaargh! Acronyms!!! Please, whatsa "QFR"?? Quarterly Field Report??? Whaassa "OFO"?? Official Field Overseer???

    About the actual topic, maybe WTBTS has FINALLY wised-up and decided to stop putting their necks on the chopping block (constantly predicting 'the end of the world...) - oh, how I wish that analogy was literal.... Hargh! Hargh! Hargh!

    Anyway, I've mentioned a very old book (well, 1962...) written by a Catholic layman named William J. Whalen before; he stated in his book "Armageddon Around The Corner" that the failure of WTBTS 'doomsday' prophecies should force the religion into claiming that 'Armageddon' came invisibly in order to prevent continued embarrassments to the Governing Body... He (Mr. Whalen) also predicted that the WTBTS/JWs would have to alter their message in order to continue in existence... Looks like Mr. Whalen's prophecies were much closer to the truth - that is, REALITY - than those of the GB.


  • ziddina

    "QFR" - "Questions From the Readers"!! Got that! now... OFO.... STill drawing a blank... Zid

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