The internet will soon run out of room according to fox causing "brown outs" at first with the internet slowing down drastically before it closes down! Will JWN close after all these years??? What will you do with your new spare time?
Foxnews = Internet to run out of room by 2010- JWN will close this time!
by Witness 007 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Big Tex
If FOX reports it, it must be true.
Must be another Mexican plot to attack America...
keyser soze
I'll have to go back to renting my porn over the counter.
No internet? Where the hell will I get all my information about Nibiru, supervolcanos, 2012, the Ananuki, UFOs, and the masons???
Oh hell, I'll probably die of swine flu by then anyway.
Might have to run back to the KH to get the latest "new light".
I prefer news from the Onion, more fact based than Fox...
Imagine the horror that cold 2010 morning when some Joe Shmo connects to the internet, only to discover he has been assigned an IPv6 ip address instead of an IPv4 address! Sure, most of the major sites may work.... but how's he going to masturbate with access only to 'mainstream' porn?
Hopefully FOX News can give us some tips how to survive this upcomming national crisis.
...brownouts that will freeze their computers as capacity runs out in cyberspace...
Freeze their computers? Wow, the technical ineptitude of some writers is staggering.
Freeze their computers? Wow, the technical ineptitude of some writers is staggering.
No problem here. I've got a space heater.