OK.Who the He$$ is Lying???

by sammielee24 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    The Mexican government closed all non essential federal services and all private business has been asked to close for the next week. Everything else is still being closed down there - would the whole country shut down if there were only 7 or 8 deaths? If there are 30,000 a year who die, why shut down the country entirely for a few? Doesn't make any sense. There's just something strange about all this - I can't put my finger on it but it just doesn't sound right.

    I don't know if we are being lied to or manipulated or if there is validity to it all. sammieswife.

  • beksbks

    Sammie, there was a Time or Newsweek article on healthy eating a couple of years ago. One of the things that it pointed out about the way "healthy" changes from one day to the next, is that we have information so readily available to us, we hear test results before the test if even finished. We have info overload, and it's coming from so many sources. I figure this has got to be along those lines. It's emotionally charged, and it's coming from everywhere.

  • SacrificialLoon


  • sammielee24

    The data on the Mexican government didn't come from Prison Planet Loonie...it's in the 'real' news if you like to call mainstream news 'real'. Rick Perry has called a State of Emergency in Texas..and think about it, uncontrolled borders mean sick people filing into hospitals there and utilizing resources. That might be what this Doctor was seeing - who knows? It's not like illegals haven't been an issue in this country for the past 7 years and with so many people sick in Mexico, including illegals crossing the border, perhaps he's seeing more of this and that's where there is concern.

    I'm not so quick to discount ALL information ...I'm not so quick to believe ALL information either. sammieswife.

  • beksbks

    I think SLoon was saying

    OK.Who the He$$ is Lying??? Prisonplanet

    Not necessarily having anything to do with the op.

    Or he's just a dope.

  • rebel8

    What a coincidence. The only physician in the entire country with this secret information about the one health condition getting the most media coverage, happens to sell the product that will keep you alive.

  • Spook

    50,000 people die from the flu every year. .19 per capita usually, 4000 ish in Mexico city. This strain does not appear to be worse than normal annual flus. It's more risky because it's an unknown variable. The second and third generation mutations (where a flu usually ends) are not predictable. Even the first generation is not that bad.

    If I lived in Mexico City and had an elderly grand mother, I would tell her not to go to the market. I would go for her instead. I would also take an infant to the hospital at the firs signs of illness. Beyond that I'd do nothing.

  • beksbks

    I'm with you Spook.

    Can you pick me up some tortillas while you're at the store?

  • sammielee24
    50,000 people die from the flu every year

    But that's exactly my point. Given the fact that thousands die every year of flu - why shut down all private business and all non essential government agencies including schools and public gatherings? If the count is only 7 or 8 deaths why shut down the country? This will be the death knell for so many businesses it's unthinkable..and again, for only a handful of deaths from the flu??? That is what doesn't make sense to me. The only thing that is open are transportation, markets and hospitals. Those deaths are a drop in the bucket compared to the thousands each year and nobody blinks an eye..until now.

    Don't get me wrong, all this hasn't stopped me doing what I normally do - enjoyed sitting at the park with all the other folks today..but it seems 'off' to me..like there's a part of this I'm not getting. Illogical I suppose. sammieswife.

  • SacrificialLoon

    Anything from a yellow journalism site like prisonplanet I don't take seriously. I think calling what prisonplanet does yellow journalism might be a bit too generous. If this is the only source for this then it is likely garbage like most of the rest of the stuff from Prisonplanet.

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