OK.Who the He$$ is Lying???

by sammielee24 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    Doggone it, I can't get Oh Brother Where Art Thou out of my head now!!

  • JeffT

    Right now in Washington State we have "possible' thirteen cases, no deaths - and four closed schools. Something doesn't add up. Either our public officials have prematurely deployed their panic apparatus (always a real possibility around here) or somebody knows something the rest of us don't. Right now I'm leaning toward the first of those things, but I'm not putting any money down.

  • cameo-d

    Why don't we look at possible motives for this scare?

    Is there some future goal in mind...like "quarrantine and kill"?

    Or a plan to implement martial law?

  • beksbks


    Cameo why isn't just straight up human nature added to media availability your top option??

  • inkling
    Is there some future goal in mind...like "quarrantine and kill"?

    Or a plan to implement martial law?



  • beksbks

    Hehe Inkling!

  • watson

    We're doomed.

  • inkling
    Hehe Inkling!

    uh oh... I made beks "hehe".

    I had better turn down the snark before I get into trouble

  • sammielee24
    Something doesn't add up. Either our public officials have prematurely deployed their panic apparatus (always a real possibility around here) or somebody knows something the rest of us don't. Right now I'm leaning toward the first of those things, but I'm not putting any money down.

    Me too.

    None of it adds up - at all. Regardless of whether or not you like that Doctor, the email appears to be real and is in fact the same information that came out of Mexico City days ago by an emergency room Doctor there who said that there were thousands sick and a lot more dead than was being reported. Is he lying? I don't know but it still doesn't make sense to shut down a country for only 7 confirmed deaths.

    I still don't get why if there are NO DEATHS in the USA, there are 200,000 kids home from school - minimum and growing. Four more schools as I type this...which is stupid if the schools shut down but all the kids go and hang out at the malls and the theaters. The above Doctor linked his email directly to the school administration as they were notified how bad it was. Do you think that might be one small reason for their actions? On the one hand there's all this pandemic warning and state of emergency being called - but NO DEATHS. Then everyone is told not to worry, it doesn't mean anything.

    I with Jeff on this one..it think it might be a premature reaction but then again, I'm not 100% certain. It's an interesting situation. sammieswife.

  • PEC

    I still say, call me when the death toll hits 1,000,000.

    Philip @ pig-flu ground zero USA, San Diego CA.

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