JWN: so what we took it out of context, anyone who thinks otherwise is a troll!
If the Society says "JUMP!"
by nicolaou 31 Replies latest jw friends
Is jumping a "matter of conscience"? ;)
All the best,
Spanish Congregation: "Oh, "JUMP" you meant "J. U. M. P." Well, in Spanish the "J" is pronounced like a "H" so our Congregation Coordinator of the Body of the Elders, pronounced it as "hump" and you see that's where we all misundertsood it... no wonder why we were getting such an increase at our reunions, I mean the meetings".
JWN actually: "Are we sure they said 'Jump!' ? I mean, we hate to be wrong, but if we are not wrong, we want to say they heard it here first."
Ol' H20 members: "How did you get that information? Who leaked it? I'm not believing they said "Jump!" until I see a letter saying it."
Can I count the time I spend in Jumping? Where do I record my Jumps on the report slip? Is there a minimum amount of hours I should spend Jumping each month? What about informal jumping? Business Jumping? Car park Jumping? Telephone Jumping? I can’t wait till I have been Jumping for 1 year, then I am off to the Jumping School.....
If I get myself a trampoline with 4 doors, or a 7 seater trampoline, I can really help the b & s in my Congo expand the Jumping work......
All this Jumping just makes me want to lay down, I’m tired of Jumping , but my C/O, Bro Jumping Jack Flash told me that now is not the time to be resting, we are so close to the end, one more Jump and we are almost there......
"Why?" So I can help you plunge the whole world into the Second Dark Ages?
Blondie: You first.
I hear the Van Halen song start playing in my head.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I had to make a video to express the depth of my feeling. LOL