Let me ask you, why do you THINK I "believe" it just because I dig it up and paste it?
Why do you assume such notions?
sKally, reveal nothing klass
by Victor_E 21 Replies latest jw friends
Let me ask you, why do you THINK I "believe" it just because I dig it up and paste it?
Why do you assume such notions?
sKally, reveal nothing klass
Hey Skally,maybe I misunderstood,but at the end of one of your posts you write:Its time to stop running away and its time to start running at this.Was that you or were you just quoteing the book?...OUTLAW
I didn't bother to read all that, because I have read similiar nuttiness that you have refered to before. A lot of crazy claims with not docuementation or proof. I would rather rely on scholars who come to conlusions based on a compilation of facts.
Regarding Russell and the Masons: I am a member of a discussion group that includes Jim Penton. Recently, this subject came up. Here is what Penton had to say about Russell. "I can say definitively that he was not a Mason." Penton has a PhD in religious history and he is a respected scholar. His book on the history of the Witnesses is very detailed, thorough, and well documented. I would take his word for it over some crack pot comspiracy theorist.
Those were NOT my comment/words. They were part of the pasted text. I do not/ will not make any public comments on what I "dish" on this "table" re: this topic...ever. It is brought here for ALL readers, not only a select few. That's the great thing about this place. If you don't like what you see on the "table", pass it by and select another "dish".
I didn't care if YOU read these or not. My posts are not only for you. I pasted these, not that I owe any of "You" an explanation as to what I CHOOSE to post, because they are pasrt of this thread. SOME do want to see these. Ther is no way you can determine WHO wants to see these. All I do know is that you do not. THEN DON'T. Simple. Yet, if you think anything you say, command, dictate, lecture, shove down my throat, will be obeyed...you have to think again. It's imperative you get this through your head(s). NOTHING you say, do, threat, intimitate or throw at me verbally, will hold any merit in my life.
I will carry on in MY searches and continue to paste ANYTHING I choose to as re: this criminally corrupt book pub corp. ANYTHING.
You don't like it, tough.
Skally,thanks for the reply...OUTLAW
Eid Mubaruk Brother Skally.
My husband is very facinated by this topic although he feels that the over all domination/corruption of this world is masterminded by Jews - specifically Zionists.
I will forward your research to him.
Thank you for your efforts at trying to get people to "reflect".
"Eid Mubaruk Brother Skally."
I am female and you are welcomed. Bon Appetit!
From Russell's book "New Creation":"We admonish the New Creation to have nothing whatever
to do with any of these semi-religious societies, clubs,
orders, churches; but to "Come out from amongst them,
and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing." (2 Cor. 6:17)
Their things, their worship, their teachings, their
doctrines, are unclean to us, though they may not be unclean
to themselves. The eyes of our understanding have
been opened, and now to us all things appear in a new light,
so that things which we once loved now we hate, and things
which we once hated now we love." (pg 505)
I guess you never did develope any critical thinking skills once you left the tower. I am not sure about your reading comprehension skills either. I did not command or dictate anything to you. Now, I think I will down load the encyclopedia to this thread just to educate you. Wouldn't that be nice? Since you got your underwear all in a knot, perhaps you should toke up and chill out. You lost your credility with me when you referenced the diary of a paranoid schizophrenic and said this was proof of the occult amongst the JWs.
Good quote, but I am afaid that sf does not want to be confused with facts.
So larc, what evidence do you have for Russell's Father being a mason?
"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."