Today I went to the Doctor with Barbie Doll.

by PEC 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • PEC

    In the waiting area, there were two Awake Trashazines, I promptly deposited them in the nearest trash can. There are patients in the waiting area, so I couldn't shred them, without making a seen.

    Last time we were there, there was an Awake in the Lab waiting area. It's very important; that, if you see any of this trash, laying around anywhere, deposit it in the nearest trash can. Do your fellow human beings a favor and save them in there time of need.


  • carla

    Yes! don't leave that trash lying around! If you make a few stickers that read something to the effect of 'Warning: Cult reading material" maybe the jw will stop leaving them there? or print out some anti jw lit or wretched news stories (example- jw dad murders family) and maybe they will get the hint.

  • carla

    forgot to add, I hope all is well with Barbie Doll.

  • undercover

    To each his own, but I don't see the need in throwing away WT publications when I see them in waiting rooms. If I take the time to throw away a WT I see, will I then throw away a booklet on Mormonism or Scientology when I see them?

    While I accept that the WT organization is more cult than religion, I don't know all the circumstances in how that WT may have gotten placed there. Maybe it was someone's copy who was coming back...maybe the local dubs had arranged with the hospital staff to leave them...or maybe it actually was a sneaky dub upping his placement report and time report by running around leaving mags everywhere.

    But in the end, I look at it as not my property, thus not my right to dispose of it.

    Odds are, the average person isn't even going to pick it up to read. Some might out of morbid curiosity only to put it back and wonder why JWs are so stupid to believe that crap to begin with. The few, the very few, that might be intrigued enough to write the address on the back for a bible study aren't worth my time or effort to go on some crusade to save them.

  • carla

    I thought jw's 'placed' lit for the public to take?

    Why leave it for someone who may be in a vulnerable situation to begin with? Someone could be facing chronic illness, be terminal, etc.... and here the jw's have all the answers don't they? I could not in all good conscience leave a wt anywhere after reading for years the human wreckage the wt leaves behind.

  • undercover

    Carla, odds are that it was 'placed' there for the public to read or take, you're right.

    But I don't know that for a fact every time I see a mag laying in a waiting room.

    Would I throw away the USToday paper or the Time magazine? No, it's not mine. So since I don't know the circumstances in how that Watchtower got there, I feel I don't have the right to dispose of it.

    But like I said, to each his own. It's not the crime of the century. Just because I won't do it, doesn't mean you shouldn't do what you think you need to. I just like to share my position on this subject since it was raised.

  • mouthy

    I thought jw's 'placed' lit for the public to take?

    Well we have a Laundry mate here,Owners are JWS
    They put a pile of them out. Which I scoffed,& sent
    them to someone on here( cant remember who)she said
    she was giving them to her lawyer for a case He was taking.

    But the next time I went back there was a BIG sign

  • mouthy

    Will you please tell us HOW IS BARBIE?

  • snowbird

    UnderCover, I agree with everything you said but this:

    The few, the very few, that might be intrigued enough to write the address on the back for a bible study aren't worth my time or effort to go on some crusade to save them.

    How prejudicial!


  • undercover
    How prejudicial!

    How is that exactly?

    It isn't worth the time or effort to throw away a magazine in the off-chance that someone might pick up and decide to become a JW. I can't save the world by throwing away every magazine that I think is dangerous or subversive. People have to make their own decisions. I can't do it for them by removing propaganda from their site.

    I'd rather enjoy my freedom from the JWs by living on my terms instead of allowing a crusade to rid waiting rooms of WT publications taking up my time and energy. Expending time and energy ridding waiting rooms and laundries of WT literature is about as productive as Saturday morning field service. I've got better things to do with my time.

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