Today I went to the Doctor with Barbie Doll.

by PEC 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    Ok, I can understand you point, then how about leaving anti jw lit next to the jw lit? 'course you need a purse to carry it around.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    It really irks me to see WT's and Awake mags in public places.....

    It seems the most popular places for this trash is in Doctors offices

    and Laundermats, I feel it is my duty to re-cycle this trash and put it back into the earth !

    after all, we must do our part to keep our

    world green !

    ( RIGHT ON )

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    To each his own, but I don't see the need in throwing away WT publications when I see them in waiting rooms. If I take the time to throw away a WT I see, will I then throw away a booklet on Mormonism or Scientology when I see them?

    Amen. I abhor censorship. I have faith in my fellow man to make his own informed decisions about the material he reads. I would find throwing magazines away to be highly hypocritical if I am hard on the JW's for censorship.

  • yknot

    To Trash or not to Trash.....(or merely label) that seems to be the question!

    ..... Hmmm instead of digressing on the topic of censorship let us all consider the matter a MOC!.......

    For it seems the act of removal (or attaching warning labels) is theraputic to some and needless to others.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    I am having test done, I have been having some real problems,

    I have Acid Reflex, now I have problems eating and Drinking.

    The test will tell my Doctor if my esophagus is able to move food to my stomach normally.

    I will be seated while the tube is inserted. I may feel some discomfort as the tube is being placed,

    They will lie me down, the end of the tube exiting my nose is connected to a machine that records the pressure.

    I will be asked to swallow a small amount of water to evaluate how well the sphincter is working.

    As the tube is pulled into the contractions in the esophagth as I swallow,

    This test lasts 20 to 30 minutes.

    I will have a soreness in my throat.

    Thank You for asking how I am.

  • Gram

    Please keep us posted on your condition and result of the test. Wishing you the very best! You may pm me if you wish. I have had a lot of experience with this particular condition.

  • BurnTheShips
    It's very important; that, if you see any of this trash, laying around anywhere, deposit it in the nearest trash can.

    Nonono! It makes a great lining for rabbit and bird cages.


  • JimmyPage

    I don't throw it away. I write "cult recruitment tool" on the front and leave it where it lies.

  • mrsjones5
  • kurtbethel

    I would consider it the same as if I found crack cocaine, a dirty needle, or model glue there. These all are hazardous and may cause brain damage. It is responsible to mitigate hazards that cause brain damage. A warning sticker would be a sufficient way to mitigate it.

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