I have KitchenAid Dishwasher, which is very Slow in the washing and drying dept. The previous owner bought it before I moved here. I would like to get a faster dishwasher. I would like to know which Dishwasher should I purchase?
Which Dishwasher should I get?
by asilentone 31 Replies latest jw friends
Sam Whiskey
Sears has some good ones, have you checked there?
Sam, which dishwasher should I check out at Sears? It would save me time to look for it.
a silent one?
(Sorry, just passing by. ;-)
she's a bit flat chested.....but looks silent enough....he he
ninja, all I see is red X.
are you looking for dating advise?
priest, the answer is NO!
no more kool aid
Now that you mention it, my Kitchen aid dish washer seems to have a long cycle too. I never considered that when I bought it. I do like the stainless steel on the inside (less stinky).
We just bought a Bosch, very quiet and does a good job, you can only really hear the water sloshing, and that is if you do not have a fairly full load. A bit weak on drying the dishes, need to make sure you do not block a drying vent, otherwise ok.
Also, we got a rebate of $150 USD due to the energy saver feature, this was from the county we live in.