I know of a case where a ms is living net door to his mother and father. His dad is a elder and mom is a long time pioneer. He no longer attends meetings and has many "wild" parties and also has a live in girlfriend. He has 2 uncles and a grandpa thats a elder in the same k/h. he has not been D/f. he attends all family events with no problems everyone talks to him as if nothing is going on. me on the other hand i have never even been baptised and i cant attend the same family events without the whispering. and list of questions. he goes through none of this. any takes on this. because its bugging the hell out of me. do you think his elder family is just holding info from ny and just dealing with things at the local k/h.
by lostjdub93 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals
It's not what you do, it's who you know.
The Berean
Me Thinks ...
When any organization is on the rise, they look for reasons to exclude or dismiss members ... when they are in decline, they quit looking altogether! It's all about head count!
Certainly wouldn't be the first time a "golden boy" got preferential treatment.
Strong-willed elders can manipulate the rules & "safeguards" quite a bit before they get caught - if ever.
The Berean
True story:
There was Father-Son elder combo in Ohio. The son would go into the bathroom during meetings and sit in a stall for long periods of time. He could be heard cursing profanely behind the divider.
Well, on two different occasions this troubled son stood up at an elder's meeting, cursed, resigned, and walked out ... followed in the parking lot by his controlling Father. Of course the congregation never knew about this young man's distain. Now both times he apologized and recanted his resignation from the body. Why?
It turns out that old Dad was the son's only means of support. He provided him with a business, a home, and the promise of an inhereitance, PROVIDED, the boy keeps up the family inage. So, he sold out.
What's the point? Just like the Nation of Isreal in the Old Testament, the unwritten rule is "Family First, God Second." The prevalence of nepotism in this organization is sometimes overlooked.
one of our elders' kid who was 15, slept with her BF and not only got caught doing that but ended up pregnant too. They didnt get married, baby was born...nobody DFd. Its not like EVERYBODY didnt know what had happened there. You cant hide a 9 month pregnant 15 year old.
Some of the wildest, drunken and biggest make out parties I've ever attended were given by Elders Kids. LOL When I was single, I went to more than a few of those that ended in drinking until you puked, making out with everything in sight and even smoking a few bowls of weed, popping pills.
No one was ever DF'd...certainly not the elder's kids.
Eventually, they all did drift away from being JWs, but at the time, everyone turned a blind eye to it. The parties I went to were even in the elder's homes while they were gone on a trip somewhere.
We all went camping once together, with one of the elders and his wife, and we were all drunker than hell, and everyone was in and out of everyone's tents all night, fooling around.
Even the elder.
I think JWs get pretty wild when they think the restraints are off and it's party time. Then, because everyone participates, they all just sort of agree to keep quiet about it so it can happen again. It's all about not getting caught.
But, yeah, there's a huge "Preachers Kids" syndrome among JWs. It's the Elder's kids that are often the most wild because their parent's position protects them from consequences and they know it.
Wild parties might not get him DF but a live in girlfriend definetely will
and i have a hard time accepting the fact he would not get DF for that.
Are you sure you have all the facts straight?
." He no longer attends meetings"
How long since he attended? He is evidently no longer a M/S ..Elders can use discretion if an ex witness has been gone a long time and is not claiming to be a Witness.
Also re the 15 year old girl...at that age , are you sure that she was baptized? if not, no action could be taken. Even if she was , if she professed repentance, she could be reproved privately and that would be that.
Of course I do know that favouritism and nepotism does go on.
I personally know of a POs daughter who got prego at 18- not married. No reproof or df. She tried it again 3 yrs later and got dfed that time.