by lostjdub93 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • diffedexjw

    I'm diffed because I used to smoke as of 3 days ago(i just quit cold turkey). My brother is not diffed but has faded for the last 2 years and has recently picked up smoking for about a year. Him and his wife. He has also apostisized to grandma and dad who are full blown witnesses(completely brainwashed) my dad is an elder. He is faded so i'm sure nothing will happen to him. Just proves it's a joke and jehovah is not behind it.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Yes she was 15 and an elder...lifers. As was the kid she was messing with.

  • lancelink

    Its not what you do or what you know.

    It's who you know and what THEY do !

  • creativhoney

    yes 'prominent' elder in my old cong went to his df'd sons wedding to a worldly - and his wife was proudly showing the photos round the KH...

  • the research lady
    the research lady

    I agree with those who have said it is not what you know, it's who you know. The daughter of An elder in our congregation was smoking pot and nothing was ever done about it. However, my husband got disfellowshipped for showing the elders his personal letter from the United Nations proving the Watchtower org. was involved for over ten years. He also showed them several articles in the Watchtower telling Witnesses to Hate those who left. And, he showed them proof that the Org. paid out millions in lawsuits to innocent victims of pedophilia.They said he was 90 percent correct but, disfellowshipped him anyway. To hear this "Kangaroo court trial" go to click on the "fly on the wall tape" and you can hear the entire conversation.

  • isaacaustin

    I have heard Rick's JC and appeal. Amazing how blind all those elders were. They gave the typical JW rhetoric for everything.

  • SPAZnik

    evidence is mounting that it's who you do. :o)

  • hamsterbait

    Yes - It all depends on your relatives.

    A male pioneer in my circuit was having sex with other men for years. He was only "discovered " when he found the "love of his life". In spite of unrepentantly living in sin with another man he was never DF or even privately reproved. His mother cannot understand why ( though she is prolly glad not to have to shun him)

    His brother is circuit coordinator - they don't want the fambly to be disgraced.


    One aspiring elderette said he was taking a "sojourn" from the troof. They will excuse anything when it suits them. not that I am condemning another human for following their sexual star.


  • JWdaughter

    If a person repents, they repent. After that, the elders don't really have a biblical right to DF them although they do all the time just to teach them a lesson or something. Which they like to do-as I have heard and read of a lot of repentent JWs who are 'working their way' back into the congregations good graces. I don't get the ignoring sincere repentence thing. Everyone makes mistakes.

  • SPAZnik

    The only part that I find surprising now that I'm out, is that they think they are actually any different from the rest of the world.

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