Cordy! It's nice to see you again!
There is no room for guilt anymore. You have a young daughter who is observing your JW relatives disrespecting her mother. Is that something that you want her to learn... that it's OK for them (and eventually her) to treat you so badly and disrespectfully?
It's time to stand up for yourself and your daughter. If they want to exclude you from "whatever" and treat you disrespectfully, then they do not get to associate with you or your daughter. Period. Whenever you bend over backward for them and let them suck you back in to going to the meetings, you know they will not be satisfied with that in the long term. When you give in, you give them power over you, and you disempower yourself. Don't let them take away your power - and for heaven's sake STOP letting them emotionally abuse you in the presence of your child.
This is not rocket science, honey. You wouldn't let a complete stranger treat you this way, so why should you be expected to suck it up and try to accommodate that behaviour when it's dished out by someone who just happens to be related to you? You have done nothing wrong. You have nothing to apologize for or feel guilty about.
You have been letting your family reel you back in to the JWs, even though it's the last place you want to be, just so you can have a relationship with them. All you are doing is setting yourself up, over and over and over again, to be rejected by them because you aren't the person they want you to be. You won't be happy, even if you have them in your lives, because ultimately you aren't being true to yourself.
Please, once and for all, decide to be either all in or all out of the JWs, and let the cards fall where they may. You and your daughter will survive without your family, and they will get along just fine without you. But as long as you are "limping on two different opinions" you will be giving them ample opportunity to treat you as an inferior and emotionally blackmail you to live a JW life that you don't want.