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by isaacaustin 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    great work Isaacaustin!!!

    Keep it up!

    Your efforts are appreciated!

    The Oracle

  • isaacaustin

    I got these off of a JW friend's email list :)

    I got another reply from an arrogant dub who is calling me apostate and telling me to 'not come into his house ever again thru his personal email" ...but then goes on to quote his JW proof texts...This is his last email to me last nite:

    >Fabulous! Here's what I'm failing to communicate . . . Jehovah either has a Faith and Discreet slave or he doesn't.

    My reply: Read matt 24 and 25 in context without a WT and you will see each individual proves himself to be a faithful and wise servant, or an evil slave. Which one do you want to be?

    They have either EARNED our trust and proven themselves or they haven’t.

    My reply: The only thing they have earned is the title "false prophet", as Biblically defined at Deut 18:18-20. They spoke that it was the 'Creator's promise of a peaceful new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 completely passes away' at the bottom of every WT (on inside of the cover page) until 1995. Was it the Creator's promise? Did he change his mind? Or did the WT presume to speak in his name a word he didn't say?

    Blind trust? Not a chance . . . Over 25 years, I’ve “examined the scriptures daily” and come to my OWN conclusions.

    My reply: An examination THRU WATCHTOWER 'GLASSES'
    >So, how ‘bout I follow you and not them, huh?

    My reply. How about you follow Jesus? John 14:6 Jesus said to him: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Nowhere did jesus tell us to follw man, or a group of men.

    And, you are . . . who? And, your organization is . . . who?

    My reply: Jesus did not preach about any org we need to join to follw him. Prove this Scripturally that we need to follow an org.

    And, there is a Trinity?

    My reply: Research it apart from the WT- you may be surprised.

    There is a burning Hellfire?

    My reply: Research it apart from the WT- you may be surprised.

    And, we should take blood, salute the flag, go to war and the rest of the dribble?

    My reply: These are all matters of personal conscience. The 'blood issue' is composed by gross misinterpretations by the WT in verses speaking of animal blood. The Governing Body KNOWS they are wrong on it. That is why they allow fractions and plan to sssllooowwwllyyy remove the ban. They know if they did it at once they could be majorly sued. Either blood is right or wrong. If wrong, than fractions are wrong. If not wrong, then the Society is guilty of widespread murder. Think about it.
    >Now, may I politely and respectfully ask you again to cease your emails.

  • isaacaustin

    middleman- I will see if I can get some additional email addys for you. :)

  • isaacaustin

    ok, 56 mpore emails sent out to active JWs today. :) I am 'pummeling my body' to 'make my hours" LOL LOL LOL

  • snowbird

    You rock, Isaac.

    LOL LOL LOL, also.

    Your name means "laughter."


  • isaacaustin

    it sure does LOL

    I have gotten 2 responses form yesterday

  • isaacaustin

    it sure does LOL

    I have gotten 2 responses form yesterday

  • Amha·’aret

    Wow, Isaac. You must be a far more patient person than I am!

    I hope that the time and effort you are spending sending out these emails and individually replying to them reaps some rewards.

    Thumbs up to you!

  • isaacaustin

    Yes, if I can at least plant a few seeds of doubt I will have accomplished something. It would take a seriously doubting witness to have an immediate impact....but down the road...who knows...

  • passwordprotected

    @ isaac - exactly.

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