@ wobble --- FEEEEED MEEEE
Here's an example to get you started. The current thing I've been bothering the people I study with (I'm a girl, but I study with a guy - apparently this is unusual) is why women are made to wear skirts to meetings and when they go door to door.
So, they picked up a passage from 1Tim 9,10 (Timothy again!) which says "Likewise I desire the women to adorn themselves in well-arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive garb,"
Immediately, I said - Well! That means women aren't supposed to braid their hair! Neither wear gold nor pearls! You guys don't follow that...
To that, they got very defensive and said that paragraph only means that women should dress modestly, it shouldn't be taken literally.
BUT, they take the next paragraph literally where it says that women should learn in silence with full submissiveness.
PAH! When I asked the guy how they deiced which parts of the bible must be taken literally and which parts needed to be interpreted, he didn't have an answer. He actually couldn't see my point about the hypocrisy :(
Anyone have any more I could ask?