Former Witness Friend Tries to " Encourage " Me Back to Meetings

by flipper 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindmelda

    I had similar experiences off and on after I became inactive. When you recount the inconsistancies in teachings and the abuse you've suffered, it's all explained away with pat answers they get from the magazines.

    I had one sister read to me Peter's words to Christ. "Who shall we go away to, you have the sayings of everlasting life." and I said, "Yes, I agree that' Christ has the sayings of everlasting life." and she looked DISAPPOINTED! They're constantly searching for Witness speak from you to ascertain that you're still under the influence of WTS teachings.

    I was sort of laughing on the inside because I knew what I what she was wanting me to say, having been indoctrinated for long enough, of course, but I would say something that answered the questions correctly, but not in Watchtower/Witness speak.

    It's not that I'm even sure I believe the Bible anymore, or at least, not the JW version. I actually am trying to decide if I want any sort of religious belief in my life at all at this point, but I admit to a fascination with spirituality and faith. I want to understand why some people like me seem to need it in their lives. And I'm wondering just how much spirituality has to do with religion at all. Not a lot, I think.

    But, back to the encunter she finally got noticibly aggravated, even angry and told me she wasn't coming back! At last! That was a couple of years ago. I'm proud to say that this is the first year that I wasn't guilted into attending the Memorial, sitting there trying not to roll my eyes. I used to do it mainly for my parents as that's the only meeting they attend too, being elderly and living far from the KH.

    Most of the meetings were so mind numbingly boring! Drilling on the same old crap over and over. And then every once in a while, there's this big excitement over "new light" and it's just a flip flop or a rehash or an explaning away of why they''ve been wrong about something for 99 years and now it's different, but it's all great because as long as it's from the GB, it's from God himself and it's evidence that it's His organization. Bleh.

    If the WTS or the GB had just said once in a magazine or a letter "We're human beings, we get things wrong and we're still trying to understand these things, just like you are." then maybe I could have stomached it. But it seems the more they screw up, the more infallible they claim to be.

  • ziddina

    "So he returned my call yesterday. Right off he said what congregation he was attending now - so I knew immediately where this conversation would lead ! He told me the story of his ex-wife and the DFing and..."

    "how he overcame being bitter at the elders by switching congregations..." Hah! Cracks are showing in the WTBTS brain-strait-jacket!!

    "He said if he had not done that - he might have fallen away from Jehovah."

    Interesting comment... This guy's actually struggling, IMHO. But - good idea to leave him alone, Mr. Flipper! One thing I noticed in your description - he made that comment about 'might have fallen away', then blocks any and all of your efforts to get him to THINK.... Very difficult dealing with one who is "wobbling" - [hey! Now I know where 'Wobble' got his handle!] - they are VERY likely to agree with you one minute, then turn on you like a rabid Pit Bull as soon as they feel their 'faith' slipping.

    He might actually get out - someday - but let him find this board on his own!! Zid

  • flipper

    Thanks for all the great comments ! I appreciate it.

    WTWIZARD- Yeah, I agree. Don't worry bro. I have as little to do with witnesses as I can myself. Usually just talk to my elderly mom and dad who are still in it. But I figured I'd show this guy I cared about him authentically having gone through a divorce. Then HE turned the discussion into a JW marketing ploy. So I won't be calling him back- believe me.

    BOYZONE- Yes indeed he IS really entrenched and in deep in the mind control. He isn't ready as you stated.

    MOUTHY- For sure this guy was a JW robot to the hilt ! I like your description " a key in their back and they get wound up when they go in the kingdom hall ! " That's hilarious ! That's EXACTLY what they are like ! Don't worry Mouthy - I'm not going to waste my time on the guy.

    AMHAARET- He sure had an excuse for EVERYTHING ! Like you said - at least I tried to enlighten him - now I know where he stands.

    MINDMELDA- Good point you make that it blows witnesses minds when we don't answer the way they EXPECT us to answer and it throws them for a loop. But that's a GOOD thing. Then they may start thinking critically and more open mindedly ( in time ). And it's so true what you say that the GB and WT society seem to get more controlling and arrogant that they are the only ones right - the more they change their teachings and views. It's like they feel NO ONE has the right to question the fact they've changed their doctrines or views . Pretty creepy.

    ZIDDINA- I always thought that as witnesses we were counseled NOT to change congregations if we got pissed off at someone else ! Try to settle the differences and move on ! Obviously this guy didn't hear that - or just wanted desperately to believe he'd find shangri-la and peace in another congregation. Good point you make that perhaps deep within he IS struggling from his saying he felt he might " leave Jehovah " if he didn't switch congregations. But yeah- don't worry what HE doesn't know is after he fast forwarded the conversation into Witness talk - is that I was doing the same thing to him - trying to open his mind up to see the scandals of the organization and question the latest drivel coming from the WT society. I wanted him to know that even though I haven't been to meetings in 6 years - I have witness contacts who respect me for my stand who give me the WT magazine ! I bet that made him wonder ! But good advice- yes I'll let him find this board on his own

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    He then admitted , " Well, Mr. Flipper before I called you I called your witness ex-wife to see if it was alright to talk to you to see if you were DFed or not . If you had been DFed I would have chewed you out for calling me ! "

    How sad. You called him because you cared enough to see how he was doing after a difficult time, and this is the response.

    He told me , " Your ex-wife said your daughters love you but the reason they won't associate with you is they feel " awkward " associating with you because you don't go to meetings.

    What does this "religion" do to people? If I hadn't been one myself for all those years I wouldn't be able to believe it. The WT strips the very humanity from its followers.

  • flipper

    MRS. FIORNI- Yes, I thought it was pretty unkind of him to doubt my legitimate motives by calling my witness ex-wife as I told him I was calling to see how he was doing after his divorce. Pretty disrespectful to be sure. And yes- this witness cult does strip away the very humanity that is in it's members. They are like old, unfeeling robots. It's disgusting.

    This year I am going to get VERY proactive in my attempts to bring more humanity back into my adult daughters > I have a plan - And I am a very determined person when I have a plan

  • flipper

    Just wanted to bump this thread up as I was going to be working all night tonight. Any comments welcome ! Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper


    Good Morning Flipper!..Your talking to a person with no ability to think for themselves..They answer only with Pre-programed WBT$ answers...........You will never have a real conversation with someone like that.......................OUTLAW

  • flipper

    OUTLAW- I know what you are saying is so true. Here I was just showing concern to the former friend over going through a divorce- then I get a marketing the WT cause from him in return. The guy is totally mind controlled for sure ! Not gonna waste any more time on him for sure ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Its a shame that people cant rationalize things in a balanced way, but thats the way religion works it creates its own power and

    then establishes mechanisms to keep the power that it has obtained.

    One of those mechanisms utilized is of course is simple fear, fear of what will happen to an individual if he or she doesn't follow in with god's

    solemn organization or if the individual opposes this organization.

    Another instituted doctrine thats plays a leading role is this organization is it's unlike the other many false religions out there

    this one is the only true Christian faith and so the members will inevitably stand strongly for it, even to the point of out and out lying

    in its defense. Well at least Flipper you gave that guy something to think about and mull over for a bit maybe even piqued his intellect a little.

    Talking to these people in a calm and meaningful manner is good for them and who knows maybe they may actually open their eyes to

    what really is going on.

  • flipper

    HOMEROVAH- Very true these JW members will stand up for their organization even in the face of reason presented to them. I hope that he thinks about some of the points I mentioned to him- but I'm not betting the farm on it. This guy was so mind controlled he was in a daze

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