You know, I really tried to go into this movie with an open mind. I understand that times change, a fresh start was needed, new actors etc. But it just didnt work for me.
Star Trek became popular because it was the first intelligent science-fiction show(with the possible exception of the Twilight Zone). This movie had no glimmer of intelligence anywhere within it. It had lots of action, lots of explosions, lots of shakycam and lens flare,and a plot with holes you could manuever an entire fleet of starships through.
Kirk as he is portrayed in the movie is an obnoxious punk with all the worst attributes of the original and none of his better qualities, not even a hint of how he could develop into anywhere near the kind of legend the original Kirk was. And yet somehow he goes from being a cadet facing disciplinary action to the captain of the flagship of the fleet!
Of the rest of the crew, Quinto's Spock was fine, McCoy was fine, Sulu was underused but interesting, I didn't even mind Scotty being the comic relief, he was hilarious. Chekov was horrible, Wesley Crusher with a really fake accent. Uhura was interesting, the romance angle was also interesting but like many other parts of the storyline came off as a bit contrived.
And then there was Scotty's little friend, another Jar-Jar Binks. He was funny at first, on the outpost, but then he also shows up on the Enterprise! Cause thats just what Star Trek needs, is a hilarious little alien mascot!
No Apologies