HOW does one come to repentance? Is it just something you do - yourself? Or is it by the convicting power of the Holy Spirit?
For me... I prayed that God would make me hate sin. I prayed that prayer for 2 to 3 months. My father, a longtime JW gave a strong talking to me on the Judgment of God (Armageddon in his mind) one night. Almost immediately I came under strong conviction from the Holy Spirit. I detested sin after that.
I became a Witness shortly after that and was baptized within 6 months. I remained under the supernatural conviction of sin during my Regular pioneering and my entire 8 years as a witness. In all, 17 years passed between when I was convicted of sin and when I truly repented and received Christ as MY opposed to anyone or anything else.
Conviction is stressful. Peace comes after salvation when the believer is inhabited by the Holy Spirit. Just agreeing with God wasn't enough for me to truly repent. It required a total act of turning my welfare, destiny, and self over to the Lord.
I died with a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a fist in the other. I finally repented and gave the Lord the steering wheel.
Chalam is also correct. Both forces are definitely at work it should be.