Leo, how are the nerve endings in your skin doing?
Warning to laptop users
by Leolaia 42 Replies latest jw friends
Leo! I'm so sorry this happened to you, how bizarre! So laptops aren't for laps, after all. I knew to keep the vent free, but your news is disturbing.
As for the scarring, I highly recommend going to the health food store and getting an ointment containing (as much as possible) the herb comfrey. Comfrey contains allantoin, which is great for healing. It actually speeds cell division for healing epidermal wounds, and it is great for dissolving dead tissue at the same time, thus: Healing and no scarring.
One word of advice in using comfrey: It heals so fast you never want to use it on a deep wound, as it will heal the flesh right over the top of the deeper wound. This is for epidermal use only, but it is phenomenal.
Baba. -
Very interesting, I never heard of that product before. I will look into it....although it's been a week and a half now so I think the healing process is well underway. The skin that has pealed shows a scar underneath.
FlyingHighNow....The damage was strictly the top layer of skin so I have no problem with that at all. It's a minor burn. But if someone falls asleep with a laptop on him or her, playing a DVD, then that could be much worse.
And I should clarify that there was indeed heat I felt from the DVD player....I felt the heat on my arm while on the plane, and it was hotter than usual heat from the air vents but it wasn't painfully hot. Nothing that caused a reaction to make me want to pull my arm away. Just a comfortable warmness.
Sad emo
Ouch, poor Leo, I hope your burn heals up quickly.
I've been marked but not burnt by my laptop too - mine gets very hot underneath the mousepad so it rarely contacts bare skin lol! I doubt I'd have ever thought about the bit under the DVD drive getting that hot although logically, I suppose it is running at a very high speed.
To the manufacturer's credit, my laptop does have a sticker on the underneath warning about prolonged skin contact and the possibility of burns.
I felt the heat on my arm while on the plane, and it was hotter than usual heat from the air vents but it wasn't painfully hot. Nothing that caused a reaction to make me want to pull my arm away. Just a comfortable warmness.
Snarky response: Hmm... do you have an RTG for a power supply? I'd stay away from NASA surplus laptops.
Non snarky response: Aloe works wonders on burns, might want to try that stuff if you haven't already.
Leolaia..A lady down on the coast was killed by her laptop..It was in the back seat of her car..She got in a car accident..The laptop flew into the front seat area and smashed her scull.................................OUTLAW
This is why manufacturers stopped calling them "laptop" computers and started calling them "notebook" computers.
Oh, and men have to worry about roasted nuts.
"A lady down on the coast was killed by her laptop"
Dam. Just when you start accepting them as part of the famblie;)
LOL@Satanus!!...........It happened about a week ago..She should have put a seatbelt on her laptop..........................................OUTLAW
Seatbelt. If i ever get in an accident, i'll be toast. I have lots of tools, brushes, toolboxes, etc.