Personal records of governing body members

by TheBoss 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheBoss

    > No money, no skills, no life, therefore no paper trail.

    Curious angle, Angie, they could disappear without a trace into NY state homeless shelters. It would be as if they never existed. Interesting double-edged sword dichotomy of the lives of those considering themselves modern-day anointed remnant Apostles of Jesus Christ. I doubt the early Christians turned out the Apostles to the streets of Jerusalem when they became too old and decrepit to continue preaching the good news.

    Out of curiosity, Angie, do you know if Ray Franz ever applied for a social security number? If so, did he apply later in life after his expulsion from Mother to survive outside the organization, or was he required to have one to get paid his monthly stipend at Bethel? The sad part is he likely never paid enough into the social security system to receive the maximum benefits. I doubt Mother paid a dime in payroll taxes for Watchtower corporation employees, I mean, Bethel volunteers.

  • InquiryMan

    In Norway all information on tax, income and fortune is public knowledge and accessible on web sites etc.

    So it is easy to get to know the economic situation of those working e.g. at bethel.

    No surprise there....Those who have e.g. fortune, have most likeli inherited those funds.

  • TheBoss

    > In Norway all information on tax, income and fortune is public knowledge and accessible on web sites etc.

    > So it is easy to get to know the economic situation of those working e.g. at bethel.

    > No surprise there....Those who have e.g. fortune, have most likeli inherited those funds.

    You made my point. In many countries all information on tax, income and fortune is public knowledge and accessible on web sites or through an inexpensive background check.

    I understand the reason nobody in Norway has posted the governing body's financial information on the web, is not out of respect for their privacy. They're public figures and fair game to having their finances exposed, as even the President of the United States has his finances publicized.

    The reason the governing body of Jehovah's Witness do not have their finances exposed, even in Norway, is because they do not exist on any accessible record. Even Barrack and Michelle Obama have their records publicized because, to state the obvious they have tax records, social security numbers, and other government records.

    How is it the members of the governing body have complete invisibility when even the President of the United States, and dictators of other countries with everything to hide, are completely opaque?

    Put in this perspective it makes a chill run up and down my spine. Why have government agencies including the FBI, CIA and IRS allowing these individuals to remain completely invisible, while running a multi-billion dollar religious corporation built on layer after layer of blind trusts at major U.S. and British banking concerns, taking full tax advantages afforded to all religions? Other religions are required to divulge the financial and tax records of their governing bodies. Even the Mormon church's apostles are a matter of public record... but not the governing body of JWs.

    Things that make you want to go "hmmm"...


    The Boss..Your full of Shit!!..LOL!!..........................................................OUTLAW

  • Leolaia

    Nothing recent, but concerning the recently deceased GB:

    Carey Walter Barber: 1923 border crossing record, 1930 census record, SSDI listing (SSN: 339-50-6307)

    Daniel Sydlik: 1930 census record, SSDI listing (SSN: 372-14-5996)

    Albert D. Schroeder: 1920 census record, 1942 border crossing record, 1951 KLM Airlines passenger manifest, SSDI listing (SSN: 111-36-9160)

    There is a Kentucky birth record for Theodore Jaracz that matches his age, but since he reportedly lived his early years in Illinois, I'm not sure if it is the right person. But he did appear in newspapers as early as 1961.

  • Balaamsass

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