"Jehovah's blessing" ?

by AlanF 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlanF

    Someone I know recently attended one of the Kingdom Ministry Schools for elders. He indicated that after one session, he approached a speaker and told him how much he enjoyed the man's speech. The speaker replied, "Jehovah's blessing."

    Isn't that an odd response? What does anyone make of it?

    To me it sounds like nothing more than repeating a perfunctory, nice-sounding formula -- precisely what JWs condemn in print.


  • larc


    Here is my take on that remark.

    Most people in most situations woud say something like this, "Thank you very much. I spent a lot of time on this because it was very important to me." A Witness can not say that. They can not express pride or feel special for their own accomplishment. They can not "draw attention to themselves." They must always remain humble and hide their talents.

    Humility and being humbled sucks.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi Alan,

    So much of what passes for JW dialogue these days is formulaic; the perfunctory JW public prayer is one prominent example; spontanaeity is nonexistent in dubdom, and actually seems to be frowned upon.

  • zerubberballs

    LOL Alan,

    "Jehovah's blessing" sounds much like "bless you my son" but presumptuous to the point of blasphemy. Is the speaker in question one of the braindead remnant who believes he's in direct comunication with Jehovah already? Does he know what religion he's in? It's a shaking head wonder but no big surprise in JW land. Did your friend then berate the speaker like we lowly ones would have in the old days or did he let the silly b*****d 'get away' with it? I get the feeling even light constructive critisism is not appreciated by those climbing the greasy power pole nowerdays.

    That would have freaked me out more than the English bro who used to annoy with "pray for me" whenever we parted or my pioneer partner who'd casually thank Jehovah for everything from the toothpaste to the tomato sauce.



    G'Day Al

    I get to hear this about once a fortnight from different ones in different types of conversations at the hall.

    My view is the same as larc's EXACTLY, as well as the fact that when this is said, the person saying it implies that He is jehovahs holy instrument, DISPENSING this blessing to the jonadabs.

    my 2 bobs for what its worth

  • zerubberballs

    sorry Bathory but when I was a JW i kidded myself that all Jonnadubs were created equal (of course now I've seen Focus class list I know better :wink:

    cheers, unc.

  • LovesDubs

    Remember what happened to Moses when he said "Hey dudes! Watch me get water outta this ROCK!" Well...there is a lesson in humility in that. The Smelders these days have to give stilted, rehearsed, rote, mindless, perfunctory, scripted talks with absolutely NO room for interjection of even the remotest hint of THOUGHT on their part...and so he could only say "Jehovahs blessing" which...either gave all the CREDIT to Jehovah for that talk he just gave or gave all the BLAME to Jehovah for that talk he just gave :smile: "Whatever that was I just did, I was NO WAY responsible for it."

    Read CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE by Former Governing Body Member RAY FRANZ


  • moman

    Alan, sounds like the mantra,"Allah be praised" crap Osama & hiz followers chant. To me, just FALSE MODESTY used for missdirrection.

  • Dino

    Angelo Manera uses the same line.
    He made my flesh crawl.

  • jayhawk1

    One of the very last public talks I heard, I had this conversation with the speaker.

    Me: "Brother, I wanted to thank you for a great job on your talk. I learned ________ about it. (I don't remember what it was I learned from it anymore.)

    The Brother: "Jehovah gave me a great outline to work from."

    All I want to know now is when did Jehovah join the writing department?


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