"Jehovah's blessing" ?

by AlanF 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step

    lol Alan,

    I remember a number of years ago in the UK, a diminuative but fiery CO named Wilf Gregory. A pocket battleship of a man constantly butting heads with any heads he spotted.

    He felt that to take a compliment on a talk was the slippery slope to 'man-worship', so to confuse the admirers who were foolish enough to say, 'enjoyed your talk Bro. Gregory', he would immediately quip back, 'Why?'.

    On day he got more than he bargained for, when a huge sister with a personality to suit paid the dreaded compliment and recieved the rebuttal, 'Why?'. Without a shadow of hesitation she responded, 'Well my little boy has been such a pest today, and I thought he would disrupt the meeting this evening, but thankfully he found your talk so boring he slept right through it'.

    Wilf's face looked for a moment as if somebody had stolen his wallet, then he quickly regained his composure, cleared his throat and silently moved on.

    Best regards - HS

  • AlanF

    Thanks for the input, guys.

    I agree that it's a false-modesty attempt to avoid the spotlight, formulaic as in "Allah may he be praised", and perhaps even blasphemous. I think it's a product of the same culture that promotes the anonymity of writers and anyone in Bethel who deals with non-Bethelites in a religious counseling role, such as when a Service Department member must remain anonymous even to a Circuit Overseer, so that the Society can pretend to speak with one voice.

    Unclebruce, the speaker was not "anointed", but was a GB Assistant. The person I learned this from was silently amused, which is why he told the story.

    Great story, HS!


  • Fredhall


    Since when you decide what is Jehovah's blessing or not?

  • funkyderek

    Fred, why did you bring this thread to the top? Have you been searching through Alan's old posts? You don't have a secret crush on him, do you?

  • Dismembered

    Can anyone please tell me what the hell a blessing is? I am so sick of that line "Jehovah will bless you" Or "you'll be blessed for doing that". What crap, drivel & bunk & bull, not to mention cat litter...

    Edited by - Dismembered on 10 July 2002 16:3:18

  • Fredhall


    Do you have a crush on me?

  • AlanF

    Mostly these days giving a blessing is just saying some nice words that make someone feel good. I think it's a leftover from ancient times where people invoked "the blessing of the gods", where someone beseeched "the gods" or "God" to make good things happen for themselves or others. The typical "saying a blessing" before a meal that JWs practice is a form of this saying of nice-sounding but empty words.


  • Fredhall


    That is if you have an empty plate.

  • SYN

    Dismembered: "Jehovah's Blessing" is when you get to mow the Kingdom Hall's lawn!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Sounds more like a reply to a JW sneeze.

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