The Spanish Branch office sent a letter to all congregations in Spain explaining the Governing Body's decision to stop all printing, storing and shipping of literature in Spain. The Spanish Government recently ruled that all Bethalites are entitled to a pension after having worked at Bethel for many years. The ruling of the Government sent the Governing Body scrambling. The Governing Body basically decided to just stop all operations in Spain, dismiss almost all Bethalites, and send all printing equipment out of the country.
Just imagine if EVERY country in the European Union decided to force the Watchtower Society to provide benefits and a pension for those who volunteered their lives at Bethal? It would teach them that they just cannot use the best years of people's lives and when they get older and then just to send them out into the world without any support. In the USA the Watchtower has dismissed hundreds of Bethalites - many of them who gave 15 - 20 years of their lives. What a shame.
Below is a link to a copy of the letter in Spanish:
The following is a rough translation:
Christian Witnesses of Jehovah
April 1, 2009
Re: Adjustment of activites at the Ajalvir (Madrid) Branch
Dear brothers:
Recently, the Governing Body informed us that, upon analyzing the work of printing in Europe, it has decided to discontinue within a few months all printing, storing and shipping of publications to other countries that were served by the Spanish Branch.
Our brothers expressed appreciation for all the work that has been done in Spain, which is one of four branches with printeries in Europe, with the words: "During many years your branch has assisted the work in Spain and the world field, all of which we truly appreciate. The Governing Body is convinced that all of this has been possible due to Jehovah's blessing and the direction provided by holy spirit over the branch, and the good attitude of the brothers in Spain." Even though we will no longer produce magazines nor other publications at our branch, we are confident that everyone will continue to generously support the world wide work according to each one's ability.
Our offices will continue to be occupied, doing what other branch offices do for their respective territories, which includes the work of giving attention to the congregations, supervision of the traveling overseers, regular and special pioneers, organizing assemblies and much more. On the other hand, it is obvious that these adjustments will bring changes to the Branch, which we will inform you as they happen. For the time this is all we can relate, but we are certain you will appreciate this information.
As we continue to work united, under the direction of God's organization that he guides through his spirit, we send you are warm Christian love. (Ezekiel 1:12-21; Matthew 24:45-47)
Your brother and co-workers,
Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
========================================================================================= - this is a blog started by some Spanish Witnesses to fight against the Watchtower's attempt to transfer the printing presses to another country.