The Spanish Government recently ruled that all Bethalites are entitled to a pension after having worked at Bethel for many years.
I'd still like to see a link or some sort of documentation on this. It would be quite a smoking gun!
by Lost-In-Translation 42 Replies latest jw friends
The Spanish Government recently ruled that all Bethalites are entitled to a pension after having worked at Bethel for many years.
I'd still like to see a link or some sort of documentation on this. It would be quite a smoking gun!
They would rather shut down the branch than obey the law or even the spirit of the law. JWs have simply believed they are ENTITLED to free labor and once they've used you, too bad---you're out! Yup, this is a LOVING Organization. Ha!
JHK.... referenced this
It was also discussed on but I can't immediately find the link......
I'm guessing this will drive A LOT of people out of the religion as it is so clear what they are doing!
It will have impact in Spain. I just hope it spills out. I mean, other Bethel facilities will know about it. The average member will never hear much about it unless the ones concerned say something. I love Dozy's quote about what they did in Spain.
The WTS doesn't care what was done over 25 years ago there. I hope the members remember well.
I often wonder whether any eventual schism will start amongst the Spanish JWs. There must be a degree of resentment against what is essentially a white anglo-saxon english speaking leadership. Of the million JWs in the USA , over 250,000 are hispanic and to this must be added the numerous JWs in Mexico and Latin America. Yet the GB still treat spanish witnesses as second class citizens ruled over by colonial lords. And how many hispanic GB members are there or have there been? I can't think of any (though I'll stand corrected on this.)
Maybe part of the GBs agenda is to reduce the Madrid branch from a fully fledged 700 staff printing branch to virtually a portacabin back-office administrative operation and stop any secondary power base developing. Just a thought.....
Dozy - you make a great point. It's only been in the last decade that an African American has been put on the GB despite the fact that according to Pew, AAs make up 22% of the JW population in the US. I think that they will need to put a person of Hispanic decent on the GB soon since they make up 24% of the JW population in the US (according to Pew), not to mention large numbers in other countries.
There's no Hispanic anointed. They all want to live together forever on earth with their families.
I bet the GB will beat the RCC.....regarding Latino appointment.
No Hispanic GB- well, one thing is certain. Jehovah is only picking members that speak English.
It's like a prerequisite for the operation of Holy Spirit. It only works in English right now.
To be fair, the entire body has to discuss things and vote on them and there really is not any Holy Spirit upon them, so English speeds things along. I mean, you can't have interpreters in on the secret meetings to discuss whether wives can give blowjobs to their own husbands or whether men who admitted to masterbating to pornography at least 3 years ago have kissed ass enough since then to prove that they should remain as elders. Interpreters won't understand the urim and thumim of the 2/3rds vote on such pressing issues.
I guess I strayed from the main topic. Viva la revolution. However you say that in Spain.
Los españoles no son tontos después de todos.
¡Vive de largo el mundo de habla hispana!
" ¡Salir de ella (atalaya), mi gente! "