I would like to have that book! I would like to know what to say if someone says "Lets wait on Jehovah" or "Let Jehovah take care of that", etc...... I would buy that book!
Do you think we need a reasoning book for us to deal with JW?
by asilentone 11 Replies latest jw friends
Why don't you write one? I think it's a good idea. But the thing is, they need to won gradually. So maybe you need to add instructions for doing it wisely and gradually.
LOL that is too funny. You know what I think some money could be made in making those. Sell them to individuals who live in highly worked territories, or disfellowshipped ones and those who have faded but family constantly try to bring them back.
What to say to a believing family member.
Conversation stoppers... that work: I'm disfellowshipped, I am an apostate, I've been arrested for attacking JWs.
And scriptures that teach against JW doctrines.
Have you read "Answering Jehovah's Witnesses" by Jason Evert? It has a lot of great questions to ask that are designed to make the Witness think because he/she does not have a rote answer to give.
For example when discussing hell, bring up Lazarus and the rich man parable. After the Witness tells you that it is a story that Jesus told that represents something else, ask him why Jesus would use an example of something 'not true' to explain something that IS true. Didn't Jesus use everyday examples that people would understand? Why would he try to confuse people?
This book has really helped me deal with my mom, and has provided me with endless entertainment when some poor, unsuspecting witness knocks on my door.
1989 Reasoning From The Scriptures--PDF Click the link at the bottom of the next page. http://www.sendspace.com/file/ry2esf Cheers! Atlantis!
Lol. I guess nothing beats the concept of the "Reasoning book" except an anti-"Reasoning book".
I have a strange relationship with that one. Its prototype (Make Sure of All Things) I read almost from cover to cover the night after I attended my first meeting at the age of 12. The next morning I was practically a JW in my mind (I was actually baptised 6 months later). Near the end of my JW experience almost 15 years later I used to refer to the Reasoning book (published in the meantime, revised since) as the "Junior Woodchucks Guidebook". The perfect antithesis to ("independent") thinking.
Next thing we'll worry about being "united" and "organised".
I'm down with that, I'll even help you write content if you want.
The "Best Of" threads on here would be a good resource,plus JWfacts ,freeminds etc. Best of luck,and godspeed,such a publication or PDF would be so useful!!!
How about "Actually Reasoning on the Scriptures" as a working title?
Personally, common sense is enough for me. All I need do is tell them that I weighed each possibility out, and the worst for me would be if I stayed in until the end and it was the truth. Each time, I would be better off out, whether it was the truth or not. That would knock out the element of whether it is the truth or not from them, and hopefully they would realize they created a situation where I (and the opposite sex) would be better off if I quit, whether or not it was the truth. And, in order to get me back, they would need to waste countless thousands of hours (not to mention, making clean exceptions on the no-fornication rule in my case) trying to undo what they did in a matter of weeks.
And even then, they would not get me back because I would believe that they are merely saying that just to get me back in, only to get the "Just meet men" rule back on me.
As for people that regularly get witlesses around, such as family-ins and disfellowshipped people who are being hounded to go back, such a book would be nice to answer the witlesses. Also, in territory that is worked every week--a book like that would waste a lot of the witlesses' time in field circus, and perhaps they would stop coming back every week. And there is a hope that a few would actually get discouraged and slow down, or quit altogether.
Lady Lee
If you check on Freeminds I think there are some books that answer some of this type of questions