From the WBTS website "Do Not Be a Victim of Propaganda!"

by middleman 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Chalam


    Yes the propaganda war is heating up and the WT are making their push.

    They are even using bibles you can actually understand and have reliable content!

    Do Not Be a Victim of Propaganda!

    "A fool will believe anything." —P ROVERBS 14:15, T ODAY'S E NGLISH V ERSION.

    I look forward to them posting the Today's English Version of John 1:1 on the WT site.

    The Word of Life (1,1-18)

    John 1,1-18
    The Word of Life 1 1 In the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Amen! All the best, Stephen
  • undercover

    This is just too rich...

    From the heading, The Manipulation of Information:

    Another very successful tactic of propaganda is generalization. Generalizations tend to obscure important facts about the real issues in question, and they are frequently used to demean entire groups of people. "Gypsies [or immigrants] are thieves" is, for instance, a phrase frequently heard in some European countries. But is that true?

    But then in Is the Work of Jehovah's Witnesses Propagandistic? they stoop to the very same tactic they warn about (the previous strawman quote)...

    Some opponents of Jehovah's Witnesses have accused them of spreading Zionist propaganda. Others have charged that the ministry of the Witnesses promotes Communism. Still others have claimed that the work of Jehovah's Witnesses promotes the ideals and interests of "American imperialism." And there are those who assert that the Witnesses are anarchists, fomenting disorder with the aim of changing the social, economic, political, or legal order.

    I mean Wow, just....Wow

  • ziddina

    Guys, I am having just TOO MUCH FUN with this series of articles! Here is a rough draft of something I've written, so far:

    Propaganda - Should You Believe Everything
    the WTBTS Tells You?

    ("A liar starts out by lying to himself." - Ziddina)

    "You malevolent apostate!" the woman shrieked, as she scurried past her disfellowshipped twin sister. "You're just a wolf in service to Satan!" Then the woman slammed the door of the Kingdom Hall shut in her sister's face.

    Taking advantage of widespread prejudice against those called ‘apostates', the Jehovah's Witness sister was fostering hatred of her twin. Despite the fact that she knew her twin sister had only asked for further clarification of the February 2009 "Questions From Readers" regarding the ‘new light' that kept Jehovah's Witnesses from eating any forms of fats, this sister was eager to use hatred and vicious propaganda to keep her sister in a subservient position of having been disfellowshipped.

    The disfellowshipped twin sister lived to tell her story. Many others weren't so lucky, as evidenced by the "Awake" magazine cover of ... that showed photos of all the innocent young children who had died as a result of the WTBTS' skewed philosophy on blood transfusions.

    Yes, propaganda can be displayed openly, such as the teachings within the pages of the Watchtower urging family members to totally shun and cut off their family members, or it can be shown subtly by the practice of ‘marking' which allows Jehovah's Witnesses to subtly judge, condemn, and avoid those that they deem not sufficiently ‘spiritual' to measure up to the WTBTS' stringent standards. These pervasive techniques are regularly applied in a dictator-like manner by the Governing Body, District Overseers, Circuit Overseers, Presiding Overseers, and Elders in the congregations.

    How has propaganda been used to affect Jehovah's Witness' thinking and actions throughout the decades? What can you do to protect yourself from this pernicious form of dangerous propaganda? Are there solid sources of trustworthy information? Let us continue on to answer these questions...

    The Manipulation of Information

    As the WTBTS has expanded its methods of communicating from printing presses and phonographs to going so far as to start up a website on the Internet that they frequently refer to as: "Satan's Tool of Seduction", in addition to the requirements that Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing be prepared for at least two if not more meetings per week, we can see that ‘his' people are inundated by countless messages from every quarter. To their credit, many good Jehovah's Witnesses respond to this pressure by absorbing messages more quickly, accepting them without questioning and refusing - or failing to - analyze them fully.

  • AuldSoul

    Amazing...The JWs provide 'a climate where ideas circulate freely'...


    The World Book Encyclopedia quote is out of context. It actually says "Propaganda differs from education in democratic societies." So, contextually, the writer is implying that the JWs provide a DEMOCRATIC society!

    What a pantload, eh?

  • Heaven

    Propagandists relentlessly force you to hear their view and discourage discussion.

    So basically they are saying not to be a victim of their own education/publications. I figured that out years ago!

  • villabolo

    Unless you have personally known a psychopath up close it is easy to be surprised by the Watchtower. We all know that this organization is morally depraved but no matter how bad things are some of us are still surprised at this or that new abomination or hypocrisy that they commit.

    Look at the bright side, we must really be hurting them for them to even bother with such articles.

  • oompa

    I think i am going to use all of it like it is, or parts maybe, and show it to wife and friends as if it has been written by apostates who of course want to make WT look bad. They will see how the writer is trying to make this look like JW's are doing the propaganda..........This is just too much!!!!......oompa

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