Honors classes "puff you up with pride"

by rebel8 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    In US public schools, they used to have special classes for gifted students. All students would be tested for academic achievement and IQ, then placed in "gifted classes" with parental permission.

    In my kingkongregation, parents would not give permission because it would make the children arrogant and later leave the Troof TM . It would also mean more time studying worldly TM subjects than necessary.

    And if the student is female, OH HELL NO, she wasn't getting into the gifted courses, no way, no how! Educated girls are more likely to have problems with submission TM .

    Who needs a quality education if your destiny is to become a pioneer janitor who only reads approved litterature TM ? Much less the female married to him?

    Did this happen in your hall?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    No. I was in the gifted program, and my parents were proud. That is, before I dropped out of the 10th grade.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    It did. Back in Albuquerque I was slated to be bumped up a grade since I was reading at a college level in the 6th grade. My folks were very pleased and when the elders heard about it my folks were called prideful and arrogant and that if I was not already genetically like that then this promotion would seal my fate as an arrogant poopy. LOL

    I graduated from college last May. I earned honors by making the President and Dean's list almost every term and I graduated Cum Laude with a 3.67 out of 4.00 gpa. I am actually more humble now than when I started college! All that learning and pressure to make it showed me how pride and arrogance have no place in my life. (I saw a prof and a couple fo students get tossed for that kind of attitude.)

  • rebel8

    So when did you stop being an arrogant poopy?

  • Kudra

    Yes-- the GATE class. Gifted And Talented Education.

    I was in GATE and most kids in my class thought it was cool that I and some others got to go. The witness kids were like "oooo, you think you're cool in your nerd class? You going to a big college...??"

    My mom enjoyed that I got to go to GATE and my dad did too as he was never a dub. I am not sure if my mom got flack from the JWs at the Hall for my going to that class.


  • Tuesday

    I was in honors classes and skipped 1st grade. They didn't tell me I was puffed up with pride. I think if it were more well known through-out the congregation it might've been a problem.

  • Caedes

    Luckily for me in the UK school kids are streamed into classes based on ability without the need for parental approval. I just got on with it and didn't talk about it with my parents.

    Unfortunately I never stopped being an arrogant poopy head!

  • rebel8

    John, did you really drop out in 10th grade? And why?

  • snowbird

    My very academically gifted daughter played down her intelligence when she was around the JW's.

    I DIDN'T!!!

    She began reading before she learned to walk, and would crawl to the bookcase to fetch a book that I mentioned.

    Tee hee hee.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    John, did you really drop out in 10th grade? And why?

    Yes I did. Long story.

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