This was a post on another thread.
It just reeks of a JW stereotyped psyche.
"This religion has the truth. God picked us special. JWs may know the name, but we own God outright."
Do people ever really get over this need to have the right religion and to shove it down everyone else's throat?
Quote from thread:
I believe in Christ. So after much searching, it felt it was imperative that I join the Church that Jesus started and that is the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church. You know, the religion that the Holy Spirit worked through to give the Bible to the entire world, the same Bible the WTS twists for its own benefit.
If the WTS and any Jehovah's Witness has any shred of honesty to them, they have to acknowledge that long after they claim that Christianity went "apostate," that our God in heaven was busy in the Catholic Church, working with the bishops and the Popes, to produce the Holy Bible. So, if you wish to use the Bible as an authority, you have to acknowledge that God used the Catholic Church to produce it. Meaning that God approved of the Catholic Church. Meaning that God's "channel" for communicating with mankind was the Catholic Church, not the WTS. If you use the Bible with faith and believe that the Bible is the word of God, then you are quietly acknowledging the God-given authority of the Catholic Church.
So, no, I don't hate all religions and I understand the need for leaders. Fortunately for me, Jesus left Peter and his successors in charge of his Church, the Catholic Church, and promised he would never abandon it. And he has kept his promise. Why settle for a counterfeit religion when you can have "the real thing"?
You do realize that, as Catholics, we consider JWs nothing short of apostates, don't you? Shame on them for what they've done to OUR book, the Holy Bible.