Once a JW, Always a JW?

by cameo-d 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wobble

    I would ask you all not to take the piss out of us Christians,coz if you do there will be nothing left!

    Just to get back to the thread title,I don't believe anyone who was born in and was in it for as long as me,58 bloody years, can be truly free.

    I will be an ex-JW till I die. but I no longer feel any need to convince anyone that what I believe is right or "truth", I am not convinced myself,so I would never foist my beliefs on anyone. I no longer believe any of the unique WT doctrines.

    Strange things have been happening though recently, as I pray and then read the Bible I get new insights, I guess that is the Holy Spirit ? even though I am a sinner? I am not sure,but He can have the credit till someone proves differently.



  • WTWizard

    As far as I care, there is no need for any true religion. That is, except the one that is so simple that no one would ever pick up on it--so simple that the rules would all fit on one screen of the average computer and take up less than one kilobyte of space.

    Too bad mankind is brainwashed to make such things more complicated, even needing thousands of pages of difficult material to explain it and thousands more pages to explain the explanation. If anything is too simple, they will not take it seriously and they will miss it altogether.

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