..Your Worst Injury...

by OUTLAW 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I once took a baby pacifier to the eye from my little sister.


    1. For two years I was totally blind in that eye due to it being filled with blood (could only see total blackness)

    2. Had three surgeries to repair the damage and remove the blood.

    3. Developed a cataract and had an artificial lens implanted to restore vision (the same kind of lens your grand parents might get)

    Lesson Learned:

    • You're mom was right... don't throw your toys or you'll put out someone's eye.
  • Tuesday

    Let's see my list of injuries

    9 concussions

    Broke my nose four times

    Chipped a piece of my shoulder blade off

    Broke a piece of bone off my tailbone

    Cracked my orbital bone

    Severely bruised ribs

    Chipped front tooth

    They were all pretty bad when they happened, the most painful was the tailbone because I couldn't sit for nearly a month. The first broken nose was the most bloody because I broke it in two places. The second one I got a concussion with and I was so out of it I set my nose myself. Which needless to say was incredibly painful. That one is a funny story when you hear my wife tell it.

  • chickpea

    a motorcycle accident left me
    with a broken ankle, a shredded
    leg leaving my tibia and
    knee-cap glistening in the sun
    with a pearly opalescence that
    pierced the shock-induced fogginess
    i was experienceing as one of the
    most beautiful things i have ever
    seen.... living tissue and bone....

    i have full function, but relative
    instability, in that knee.....
    and as i get older, i feel the
    weather like a dowsing stick...

  • Priest73

    I had my heart broken. Does that count?

  • snowbird

    Outlaw!!! Get thee hence to a doctor, do you hear me???

    We don't want anything untoward happening to you. We on JWN need you and your special brand of wilderness humor.

    The worst injury I've had is when I was in an auto accident November 2009.

    I suffered a concussion and, like Sad Emo, had to relearn a couple of things. It was shocking and frightening! I still don't have any recall of that day!

    Please look out for yourself, OK?


  • Nowman

    Sorry, but my worst injury was when I had my son Dylan, he was 9 lbs 2oz (I am 5 ft) and I got 40 stiches due to child birth.

    I remind Dylan everyday of what he put me through-LOL, hes 10 now. Loves his mom.


  • Jack Burton
    Jack Burton

    I got kicked in the head by a goat when I was two.(Don't ask what I was doing)

    32 stitches, a permanant scar on my forehead, and a lifetime of jokes...good times, good times

  • dinah
    I had my heart broken. Does that count?

    Awwwww. I think we've all been there at least once.

    Outlaw, that sounds terrible!

  • ninja

    broken collar bone falling off my ladder while window cleaning.........fell through the guys fence into his rock garden....(lucky aren't I?)

    remember almost fainting in the taxi to the hospital............worst thing about it....the taxi driver overcharged me .........he he

  • Quirky1

    Let's see...where do I begin..compound fracture in left leg, was in traction for 4 months. Right elbow crushed and them fixed over a two year period. Broke right ankle and left arm once. Had a concussion that left me in a coma for a couple of days. Had three discs removed and probably over 500 stitches in my time. Was hit in the head with a brick, left a nice scar. Body is full of metal..

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