I would like know how you first found this site, and what was your first experience on here like?

by BonaFide 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    My experience? In the past few years, I liked to research stuff on the Internet for talks. And for experiences, I used to Google JW's to see news articles.

    Then one day last year, I saw this site, and it said that it discusses anything related to JW's. As soon as I started reading the posts though, I was shocked. I got off after five minutes. I couldnt believe how people on here talked about the GB and the Faithful Slave. I thought for sure you were all going to die at Armageddon.

    I told some friends I came on here, and that it actually strengthened my faith in the Organization. I read things into the posts that weren't there, like "beating your fellow slaves" when all that you guys were doing is telling the truth.

    So I started to read more.......

    I started posting 4 months later I think.

    And here I am

    And you? How did you find this site? Did you Google Jehovah's Witnesses? How long were you on here the first time? How long did you lurk before becoming a member?


  • BabaYaga

    I had been out for many years (technically "inactive".) I never spoke against the Witnesses, always gave them the benefit of the doubt no matter what horrors the Organization had caused my family, and always gave them respect, although of course they didn't always give respect back to me.

    I could not answer simple questions my loved one asked me about the Witness beliefs. He would ask, and I would have a small panic attack: Racing heart, shortness of breath... and I would answer him rather rudely, telling him that I had spent enough of my life explaining their beliefs, if he wanted an answer he should ask my family still in.

    Well, one night I was Googling a subject that had absolutely NOTHING to do with Witnesses or Watchtower or Apostacy, and this site appeared on the Google results. I paniced to see the the words... jehovahs-witness.com, a Jehovah's Witness Discussion site! Well, okay, let's see what they have to say about it this... of course, very soon after I started reading, I realized... oh, no! This is an APOSTATE site! (Can you believe this? I had already been out for years and I still had such a reaction?)

    I began clicking other topics in the site, and I came across the breaking news of the United Nations involvement. No WAY, I thought! You know, there are enough things about the Witnesses to talk about without MAKING THINGS UP! So I started Googling to prove the alligations of the NGO wrong.

    I landed on the official United Nations website, assuring all interested parties that indeed, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society had indeed been an NGO of the United Nations.

    My life changed that day. I still did not post here until a couple of years later, but after years of being in denial, I finally got angry. I am very happy to say the anger stage did not stay with me as long as the denial. Let's hope that complete healing and acceptance isn't far down the road.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    My father informed me that the generation of 1914 was nearly all dead now, so I had better hurry up and get in.

    I was 52 years old and he had been threatening me with his killer god the whole time.

    His killer god hadn't shown up and I finally threw my brain into gear and decided to 'study' the WT, which is what he had been wanting me to do for those 52 years.

    I Googled, 'watchtower false prophets'

    Within a week I knew that the WT had thrown out that prophecy in 1995 and I was a member of JWD.

    My family is more that a little pissed off that I am studying the Watchtower. They won't even give me one to study.



  • cattails

    I actually remember my first reading a post from the forum.

    My heart started pounding... I wondered if angels were going to be seeing what I was reading.

    Then I wondered if demons were going to be seeing what I was reading. It was freaky.

    Then I wondered if any of it might actually be true. That was when I heard about the

    Bookstudy being cancelled and said to myself NAH! And about the PO's, NAH! And YUP!

    It was true. But there's still a lot of BS'ng and guessing going on here you guys know that,

    right? But I didn't. So my heart kept pounding everytime I'd start reading the site but now

    it's like no big deal.


  • alanv

    I had already been out for about10 years when I came upon this site. I have learnt so many things since joining. Before, I just new the Watchtower was wrong on a few things , now I know there is practically nothing they have got right.

    One thing we all need to watch I think and that is not slagging them off without showing clear proof why we are doing it, because most of us on this site are here to help others see how wrong the societyare. We don'y want witnesses viewing the site and just think we are a bitter load of ex witnesses.

  • BluesBrother

    I was "in" but disillusioned - The K M had published a dire warning about terrible it was to put things up onto the net..I figured that their must be some interesting stuff out there . I was a 50ish non computer person

    I went to the library, got the librarian to show how to log on and use the net..Then I searched and found Randy's "Freeminds" site among others. But that one had a link to this board , (then JWD) I started lurking until I found the courage to join, but the rest is history.

    Sitting the library in the early days, I was sure that a heavy hand was going to be on my shoulder and I would be found out...it was as if I were searching porn sites (only worse in dub eyes) .but nobody did stop me.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I had been inactive for a number of years and since I knew one of the kids who had sued the wt I decided to check out some facts because the grapevine had things really making her out to be a big liar. I was surprised to find out just how screwy the society is. So I started researching things that had ALWAYS bugged me about it. Thing is like my my grandfather used to say....if you start digging around in old stuff it's a lot like poking at an old dog turd. The deeper you go the smellier it gets.....And boy does the society STINK!

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Evn when I was 'in' a coupla times I had dared to type in 'apostate' into search engines, I never opened a link. I stopped going to the hall in '04. It took 2 yrs after that till I was able to type apostate into a search engine and click on the results. The first site I clicked on was this one and the rest is history.

  • yknot

    Total Accident....

    I was too lazy to type in watchtower.org and had googled Jehovahs Witness instead.....

    My mouse accidenly clicked the link below the Org's site......

    Being impatient I had double clicked myself into a thread and Terry's response caught my eye...

    I was with another sister at the time and we both knew it was a no-no site because the WT had shut down all faithful sites like SisterSoup by then.....but when I got home I found the site again....

    Joined the next day..... Turns out the problems weren't just 'local' issues. My biggest fears about people being intentionally supressed as a whole were confirmed too.... yes I really thought the bobbleheadness was limited to my little rurally isolated KH.

    Thank you Simon and all you posters who came before me......

  • oompa

    i googled Watchtower Scans as i was looking for old dirt.........taadaa...........oompa

    oh.......an ya........YOU GUYS LOVE BOMBED ME!!!............LMAO!

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