He passed away last night.

by ashitaka 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    I was in a bookstore trying to forget the day when my father called me and told me that my grandfather had died. He had passed only five minutes after we had left.

    Someone else was wondering what happens when we die. Well, I was reading the chronicles on Narnia (something I do when I'm feeling a little lost), and something at the end of The Last Battle caught me eye.

    "The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended, this is the morning.

    All their life in this world, and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last, they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before."

    I hope that there is a place with no time and no sense of place where people descend or rise to. I spent the last five days with my grandfather, and I wish it could have been more, and with him in perfect health, fishing on Barnegat Bay.


  • Mulan

    In the book, Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch Albom, the author writes: "death ends a life, not a relationship." Those words haunt me, as I think of my loved ones that we lost this year. Too many, too fast, too short a time. I talk to them, and think of them all the time. I especially miss Sharon, and talk to her all the time, saying, "I wish you were here, so we could talk about this" (whatever it is)
    ........ then I think, maybe she CAN hear me, so I just talk to her.

    So sorry about your grandpa. It is a terrible loss.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • joelbear

    Hi Ashi and Marilyn,

    First, my wishes for peace of mind for you both and all others here who have faced loss this year.

    My mind is in a similar place to yours today.

    I got an email this morning from a stranger who had found my web page while searching for information on an old college friend of his, Ira Katz. Happens that I have a memorial page to my friend Ira, who I lost in 1993. Well, also happens that it is the same Ira. We have been exchanging emails and fond memories of our times with Ira that we experienced during two totally different times in Ira's life. Charles knew Ira in college when he was just starting his journey. I knew Ira for the last 5 years of his life. It was interesting for us to be able to fill in a few gaps of our knowledge of Ira.

    Ira believed that this life was just a preparation for the next plane of existence. I hope he was right and can see me now and know how much I miss him.

    I hope the same is true for the two of you and for the loved ones you have lost.



  • Satanus


    I believe that a death on this plane is like a birth on another level, where the deceased one spirit is met and welcomed by those who went before. This is similar to a baby being born here. Preparations are made, parties are thrown.

    I have read and heard of a countless people on deaths threshold that have seen lights, dead loved ones, jesus, angels, heard music etc, minutes or seconds before they passed on. My friend, whos mother is an atheist, said she saw something she looked forward to.

    I know atheists have explanantions for these experiences. I guess you decide for yourself how to view these events.

    Best wishes .. SS

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    So sorry. My condolences.

  • Billygoat

    Ashi - I'm so sorry. Remember we are here to support and listen. You can email me at anytime if you want to talk!


    BTW - I met your lovely wife in chat the other day! You are such a lucky man! She's a doll!

  • Gopher


    So sorry to hear of this sad passing. May the comfort from here and your real-life relatives and associates provide a measure of comfort during this difficult time.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • LB

    Ashi I'm glad you got to spend those last days with him. That has to be somewhat of a comfort. I was with both of my parents the last days before they died. That has helped me along with the fact that our parting words were exactly the same.. I love you.

    Who knows what mysteries are ahead of us, but regardless of beliefs, I'm certain that it is an improvement.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • rhett

    I remember when my grandma died. This was right about the time that I was realizing how full of crap the WTS was and was feeling guilty that I hadn't been around for Christmas or birthdays. She had cancer and everyone knew that she was dying but just didn't know when. My wife and I were asleep in bed when I was woke up. There was a bright light at the foot of the bed and a figure when I heard her voice telling me to not worry about her, that she was going to a better place, and that she loved me. Obviously, I wondered just what the hell was going on and started to ask when the light just got so bright and I couldn't see anything. It was comforting and somehow I just knew that everything was alright. I've never felt anything like that. I can't remember anything else until a few hours later when my mom called and woke us up and told me that grandma died that night.
    What's even crazier is that I emailed my aunts (never were JW's) and apparently one of my cousins had been feeling bad that he wasn't here towards the end (we're all in Indiana and my cousin was in the Navy down in Texas) and he got the same message from her.
    That is the only reason that I can believe in any form of afterlife.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • waiting

    Hey Ashi

    Sorry about your grandad. I hope he had a good life in total. If he left some good things.....like you......he succeeded.

    Congratulations to him - and a ((((((((((((warm hug)))))))))))) to you for missing him. It's a compliment to him that he'll be missed and remembered.

    Dear Mulan,

    Another hug to you, just warmer 'cause we're women and all that. I'm sorry about your friend Sharon - I read her article (which I believe you wrote?) and she was a fine person.

    Good friends are quite rare - and you have a wonderful gift left to you....good memories.



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