He passed away last night.

by ashitaka 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Dear Ashi,

    So very sorry for your loss.

    With deepest sympathy


  • Kristen

    My deepest sympathy to you and your family.


    True strength is delicate

  • unclebruce

    Hi Ashi,

    Grandpas spirit may be flitting about you right now. One school of thought says they do that to the ones they love. (a scarey thought when you're on the dunny or making love ;)

    I had a wonderful connection to several of my grand and greatgrandfathers. I fondly remmeber Fredrick Nightingales stories of life in rural Lancashire circa 1890 and the 'war photos' Len Forrester carried in his wallet of pretty girls from Tripoli to Papua.

    I hope to have a grandson one day so i can rabbit on about growing up way back in the 1970's.

    cheers, unclebruce.

  • Mulan

    Thanks, waiting. I miss her so much sometimes. I go to the phone to call her all the time. I feel so foolish, but I talked to her mother on Friday, and she does it too. Must be pretty common. She is in my dreams too, telling me things. So weird.......I have to wonder if it really is dreaming, or is she really there?

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • SEAKEN2001


    my sincere condolences. And I do believe you will meet again, when you get to where he has gone.

    My ideas about life after death have changed dramatically since leaving the Borg. And, even though I no longer have faith in the God of the Bible, I do believe in a spirit world and that eternity, at least as best as we can understand it, is a part of our being. I like to think that death in the flesh is only a change and that everything we are in spirit continues perpetually. I suppose this is a modified view of my Christian upbringing and it is still evolving. Anyway, I hope you can find comfort as you remember all that your grandfather was and all that he is.


  • SEAKEN2001


    I'm so sorry for empty space left behind where Mom used to be. I'll stop and think sometimes to myself "it's different now". It is hard to get used to. She used to call me when she thought I hadn't called her soon enough. I keep thinking I have to call before she calls me <g>. (I guess her ringing me premptively worked! Of course, that should prompt me to call Dad)

    I think it's neat that you talk to her. I've always enjoyed seeing that acted out on TV or in the movies. It shows how much a part of you she is and that she still has a force. Maybe that is an exhistence or an echo of an exhistence on some other plane or dimension. As Randy said to me once, the only ones who know what it's really like are dead people, and they're not telling!

    Love you,

  • ashitaka

    I put this on another thread, but people avoid verse like the plague here, so I decided to post it for him here. I'll probably read this at the funeral, or at least leave it with him, in is coffin.

    This poem is about my grandmother and grandfather, who passed away within three months of each other.



    You died tonight,
    And came in a dream to me, holding wood blocks
    We made into cities
    When I was three; you vanished in your walk.

    Scrambling out of that house in Tuckerton,
    In the reedy shallows, boats would pass
    You would point to them and laugh
    hitting swells on the glass.

    In the red kitchen,
    You’d drink coffee, shining your eyes
    At the bay you had dreamed of;
    Did I ever tell you that you were a magician?

    She just left, was she standing there
    As she did the first day you saw her?
    Was her mother standing there?
    Was it 1947?

    Pass out of eventide, into the night
    Stumble out of the shadows into the light,
    See you standing,
    Holding hands.

    I hear your voice in my head;
    ‘our bodies ever kept us apart,
    but now we’re one, drifting like the half-mumbled words of a prayer.
    You’re not here yet-it’s only a moment for us,
    Don’t despair.”

    The boat he had, silent, but the motor ran,
    looking back, drifting, drifting warm as May
    I heard their ringing laughter sound
    at boats hitting swells on the bay.

  • Mulan

    Sean, I am sitting her sobbing now. I needed to cry again, but it is so involuntary. I thank you so much for posting your eulogy. I loved it so much at the time. Maybe I will post mine too. I still have it here. I just miss her........she was so much a part of me and my everyday life. It's so WRONG that she died. She was TOO young, and I need her so much.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • willy_think


    I would like to add my condolences. i wish there was somthing i could say.

    The Great and Powerful Oz

    pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
  • DannyBear


    I was going to take a break for a few day's before posting again, but your poem got to me. Not to mention uncle's mention of grandpa's spirit flying.

    Your words almost summed up a lifetime.

    It never ceases to amaze me, the depth of appreciation for life and the lives of other's who have touched us. Your poem does just that, beautiful tribute Ashi.

    I never had the privelege to even meet my grandfather and grandmother. The WTBS made sure of it...he was an apostate, and my grandmother died before I was born.

    So count your blessing's, to have shared and learned from your's.


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