Ankerburg Finally Comes Thru On UN-NGO Publicity!

by MadApostate 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • MadApostate

    Jehovah's Witnesses and Their Strange Bedfellows

    by Lorri MacGregor

    The Watchtower Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses has done some strange "bedfellow" partnering in the past. Over ten years ago, they filed a court paper called amicus curiae (friend of the court legal brief) in support of Jimmy Swaggart when he was in trouble with the IRS for issuing tax receipts to followers buying his merchandise. At the same time their Watchtower magazine was roundly condemning evangelists like him as being devil-inspired!

    Unbeknownst to the Jehovah's Witness population at large, they secretly supported Swaggart to cover their own sales practices, which were also suspect to the IRS. Alas, the court ruled against Swaggart (and the Watch Tower legal brief) and found him subject to taxation for his merchandising practices.

    Surprise, surprise! The Jehovah's Witnesses received "new light" shortly thereafter to stop selling their literature and ask for "donations" instead! Donations were safe from government taxes. Jehovah's Witnesses, do you really believe God had anything to do with this, or is your "donation" light just a tax dodge?

    Well, that was then, and this is now. Another "strange bedfellow" matter has come to light and is being widely publicized over the Internet. You can be sure the rank and file Jehovah's Witnesses will not be informed unless they are bombarded with inquiries, and can no longer cover it up. (We can only hope!)

    It has come to our attention that the Watchtower Society has, for years, been a non-governmental organization (NGO). This designation is for any non-profit, voluntary citizens' group which is organized on a local, national or international level. These NGO's are closely linked to politics and are usually non-religious (although non-profit) in nature. For example, they are used for human rights concerns, the environment, or health matters. They bring citizens' concerns to governments and encourage their communities to get involved politically.

    Until recently you could find the Jehovah's Witnesses Organization on a United Nations website. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York was listed, sandwiched in between the War Resisters International and the Water Environment Federation. Unbelievable?

    Yes, it was really them all right, because if you clicked on their name you got their correct address. However they listed themselves, not as a religion, but as "Northern American & Caribbean Human Rights."

    Those of us with intimate knowledge of this oppressive organization can hardly utter the words "human rights" in the same breath as the Watchtower Organization. The elders rule with an iron hand and followers must obey. Just attend one committee meeting for some small infraction of their rules, and see how many human rights the poor victim has!

    Also, this membership in the NGO was very strange for the Watchtower Organization which does not allow voting, let alone political involvement. They believe all governments are under the devil's control, and any political interaction is grounds for disfellowshipping. The story now gets stranger, since it doesn't end with their years-long NGO status.

    Enter the Department of Public Information (DPI). If you are an NGO member, then you co-operate with the DPI and work closely with them. It becomes your responsibility to disseminate information about the United Nations to your membership, thereby building knowledge of and support for the UN at the grassroots level!

    This is nothing new. A 1968 resolution by the Economic and Social Council (1297 (XL1V) stated that NGO's: "...shall undertake to support the work of the United Nations and to promote knowledge of its principles and activities, in accordance with its own aims and purposes and the nature and scope of its competence and activities." By becoming an NGO, the Watchtower Society agreed to support the UN. No doubt, they knew the purpose of NGO's, up front, before they ever joined.

    Trouble is, the Watchtower Society has already stated publicly and at great length in its official publications that the United Nations is the "abomination that causes desolation…," an "infamous harlot," a " scarlet-colored wild beast," "a blasphemous counterfeit of God's Messianic Kingdom,..." and the list goes on.

    Their "Pay Attention to Daniel" book published in 1999 identifies the "disgusting thing" standing in the holy place as the League of Nations, and then the United Nations (page 269).

    Why, then, has the Watchtower Organization for years jumped into bed with the United Nations? Out of one side of their mouth they say they are "not of this world" and do not participate in any way in politics. Then they affiliated themselves with the United Nations whom they malign, despise, and downright hate! They believe anyone supporting the United Nations is doomed to lose their eternal life. Why would they choose to join themselves to this hated symbol?

    We can only imagine the scramble at Watchtower Headquarters when this revelation of their United Nations support came to light. An article in the Guardian of October 15, 2001 reported that when the news broke of the Watchtower's ten-year affiliation with the United Nations they quickly disassociated themselves (with egg on their faces big time)! Too late!

    The article reports, "Within hours of the article's appearance on the Guardian website on Monday and its posting on a Jehovah's Witnesses bulletin board, more than 14,000 people across the world had read it. By yesterday there were 353 official posts and 325 message boards discussing the article and its revelations, with the Witnesses in the US demanding to see copies of the paper."

    The United Nations was so bombarded with inquiries that they issued this form letter under date of October 11, 2001, which reads:

    To Whom it May Concern:

    Recently the NGO Section has been receiving numerous inquiries regarding the association of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York with the Department of Public Information (DPI). This organization applied for association with DPI in 1991 and was granted association in 1992. By accepting association with DPI, the organization agreed to meet criteria for association, including support and respect of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience about UN activities.

    In October 2001, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York requested termination of its association with DPI. Following this request, the DPI has made a decision to disassociate the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York as of 9 October, 2001.

    We appreciate your interest in the work of the United Nations.

    Yours sincerely,

    Paul Hoeffel,
    Chief, NGO Section,
    Dept. of Public Information

    Be sure and ask the next Jehovah's Witness you see why their Society supported the United Nations and its purposes and activities for the past ten years secretly, while at the same time condemning and disfellowshipping individual members if they spoke in favor of the United Nations?

    Also ask why the Jehovah's Witnesses who blew the whistle on the Society and reported its involvement were quickly disfellowshipped and condemned to lose their eternal life for just reporting the truth? There are constant cover-ups and lies which the Society cannot hide due to the internet. We'll wait and see if they make any official statement in their Watchtower magazine. It will be interesting to see them try and wiggle out of this one!

    No wonder James pointed out, "...a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8). We can only pray that their instability will lead to their downfall, and the setting free of their many captives, who deserve to know the truth.


  • hawkaw

    To go directly to the article click here:


    Good article - kinda don't know if I completely agree with the first 2 paragraphs but still more UN publicity.


  • RR

    So what!

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • avengers

    People will be better off without the existence of the WT. I'm looking forward to their downfall.

    Freedom without strings attached Can you handle it?

  • hawkaw
    So What!

    Well, I think from a getting it out into the publicpoint of view - this is at least one more step.

    Of course it is not the NY Times but at least every little bit helps.

    Of course, "RR", I don't really know you. You may be a supporter of the Governing Body and maybe you don't care if they hurt people. I guess that is your business.


  • RR

    I'm a supporter of Christ, not of the Watchtower of its governing body. The Society will ALWAYS exist, perhaps not in its current form, but it will evolve and survive, there will always be dubs faithfully and blindly following the GB and hanging on every word they say! And nothing you say or do will stop it!

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • hawkaw

    Well RR,

    Some have been "awakened" by this scandal. And of course some have not. Some don't even know about it because their leaders keep them in the dark.

    So I guess you have your little own opinion and I have mine. You continue what you are doing and I, well, I will just keep giving what I can.


  • Dino

    Well that IS good news. John Ankerburg in conjunction with Lori MacGregor has assisted many honest people out of that org. It can be very frustrating getting some of the media to run with this story.

    RR, you said, So what?
    This appears to be a knee-jerk reaction to Mad Apostate's ability to pin your ears back in the area of early Russellite history. If you are a "supporter of Christ", why not put your petty differences with MA aside and get with the program yourself. Jesus would be pleased if you could assist in saving just one life. Maybe you already do that, however, all I have to go on is the "so what" post in answer to good news regarding more publicity about UN scandal. Now I know MA wont win any personality contests, but that is his way. At least he is working on this issue. Wouldnt Jesus want you to pull your stinger back in, and not look for ways to sow discord?

    MA, thanks for posting this


  • RR

    Quite frankly, I could care less of MA's antics on or off this board. He has contributed nothing but criticism, nothing he says or does is original.

    As to the Watchtower and JW's, my philosphy is .... if these people are happy where they are, leave them be. Most of those who try so hard to destroy or "expose" the Watchtower have nothing to offer. You give a zillion reasons why they should leave the Watchtower, but replace it with nothing.

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • Dino

    Nice attitude.

    You say that about MA, but once again, the words "So what!", speaks volumes.

    As for replacing the watchtower belief system, that is each ones own journey. Something I would never presume to do.

    I will waste no more time on you.


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