Ah, you guys are so pitiful ... get a life!
"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."
by MadApostate 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Ah, you guys are so pitiful ... get a life!
"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."
Well RR,
I must admit, that MA has contributed a lot to the UN issue.
It was him who got a lot of people onto the proper terminology that should be used.
It was him who identified a lot of the "political" associations that the WTS has been involved in.
It was him who assisted on what questions should be used when I talked to the UN staff and he was part of a team that set up a plan to eventually get the Hoeffel letter.
He hasn't talked to me in a while - I don't know why seeing I have tried talking to him on this board and via Email - maybe I ticked him off or something - but I do know he has contributed post after post showing what the WTS really used its "association"/"partnership" with the UN for.
BTTT for significance of main post, not the.....
RR said if these people are happy where they are, leave them be.
I say you are right with regard to thinking adults who decide it is for them.
I say you are wrong with regard to vulnerable adults and children brought up in it who no nothing different.
They are the ones hoodwinked and taken in, like I was. I call it brain washing. I know because I've been there.
Right on, Ballistic!
I did such a good job of teaching my own two sons the "truth", they think I have gone crazy now that I know the real truth.
I drilled it into them from infancy.
When they finally know the real truth, and they will, I will "get a life".
RR says : ....As to the Watchtower and JW's, my philosphy is ....
if these people are happy where they are, leave them be....
I agree with this statement, but these people try to ensnare other people into their cult, and that's why the ex-JWs and those who know about all the horrors of the WT should try to stop them and help those innocent people who don't know so much...