is there a hell or not?

by helpaJWwife 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Waffles

    Yes, there is a hell. It is called "the elder's back room".

  • RubaDub

    Yes the Bible speaks of two different types of hell.

    The one referred to as 'sheol' and 'hades' is the resting place where people go when they die awaiting a resurection.

    The one translated 'gehenna' means the "second death" and is properly translated into English as "Detroit."

    Rub a Dub

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    The idea of a burning Hell doesn't seem to have any real roots prior to Dante's inferno in the 14th century. Prior to Dante, the concept of Hell was more like this:

    This is a lengthy article, but I found it to be completely fascinating - and more in line with what the Bible actually says. Once one undertands what this says on the subject, the proposition comes into view that perhaps Hell is evidence of God's Mercy:

  • PrimateDave

    Without your physical brain, do you have a consciousness? If you take hallucinogenic drugs, you alter the chemistry of your brain and experience altered states of consciousness. If you experience a stroke or other brain damaging event, your mental functions may be impaired. If you grow old and your brain deteriorates as a result of Alzheimer's, then you permanently lose memories and mental abilities. When you die, your brain ceases to function. Your consciousness will cease to exist forever because the brain and body that produced it will cease to exist. It is as simple as that.


  • Chalam


    I believe in "heaven" and "hell".

    OK let's start with "hell". The term encompasses two different places and two different deaths.

    In the first death, the unbeliever goes here Jude 1:6 2 Peter 2:4

    After the second death, the unbeliever goes here Jude 1:7 Matthew 25:41 Revelation 20:14 Revelation 21:8

    Now to "heaven". If the believer dies they go to be with Jesus Luke 23:43 2 Corinthians 12:3-5

    However, once the judgement day has come, the New Jerusalem will comes down "out of heaven" Revelation 21:2 Revelation 21:10 Isaiah 52 and the Father and Jesus will live with their people on the earth, not in heaven. Paradise will be on earth again as it was with Adam and as God intended.

    All the best,


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