Awake 1973 ="Chess causes family fights and is a game of War not for Witnesses!!"

by Witness 007 39 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Most brothers are shocked when I tell them Chess is BANNED because it's un-wholesome!

    Awake 1973 3/22 p.12 ..."the spirit of competition between players can lead to unpleasant circumstances...most families manage to keep the conflicts that arise in a game to the chess board. But, in some homes tensions linger long past "checkmate."...Chess has been a game of war since it's origins...the games connection to war is obvious...a play substitute for the art of war. Also in play there is the danger of "stirring up competitions between one another" even developing hostility toward one another, somrthing the bible warns christians to avoid doing...what effect does playing Chess have apon one? Is it a wholesome effect?...there are questions regarding it that each chess player should consider.

    What a load of Baloney!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The pretentiousness of power is written all over the WT and AW magazines, its the GB responsibility within the organization

    after all to keep this illusion going, call a initiative of survival and self sustaining the power.

  • cameo-d

    You think chess is war!

    Even Scrabble turns to war here!

    Try using "apostate speak" for new words!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Yes many international chess tournaments turn into fights and brawls,

    chess players are known for their violence

  • sspo

    But it's ok to read the hebrew or old testament where people would slaughter one another, rape,

    kill young and old but keep the virgins for themselves, have sex with them for a whole month and then send them away,

    kill every animal in every city they conquered, have a virgin marry their rapist......... and the list goes on.

    I used to play a lot of chess as a witness, never felt like killing anyone.

  • Quirky1

    Satan's checkerboard....

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Headlines - "Three people dead in Chess brawl!".....yeah right.

  • blondie

    Actually, the chess thing varied. In some areas, more urban, chess wasn't seen as being more warlike than any other card game or board game played to win. Other individual jws went overboard until it was suggested that their pet card games were suspect. It would be like those that said Star Wars was bad but showed Snow White (with the witch) to their grandchildren. Strain out the gnat but gulp down the camel.


  • SacrificialLoon

    I remember playing chess with my grandparents as a little kid. My grandmother would sometimes move a peice right where I could take it, and she'd just look at me and smile, and then when I took it she'd say "oh, you got me!". My grandfather wasn't nearly as forgiving.

  • RubaDub

    Like everything else, things are relative.

    When I was a kid, the Beatles music was BAD ..... today, many of the songs are played on the "soft rock" station my parents listen to and they like it.

    When I was a kid, Chess was BAD .... today, most JW parents would LOVE to have their kids sitting playing Chess instead of most video games.

    With JW's (and even others) it's all relative.

    Rub a Dub

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