Growing up in a communist country ...

by Albert Einstein 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    I lived for the first 20 years of my life in a communist country.

    What was it like? Great ...

    We were told we lived in the best regime, had best medical care, best election system, best goverment, no criminality like in the western countries, no unemploymence like in the western countries, not all the problems like people in the west ....

    Also we werent allowed to travel abroad, to speak to foreigners, to watch foreign TV and read foreign informations... Why should we? We lived in the best regime... it would mean we do not apreciate what we had home and also it could confuse us ....

    But on the other hand, life was very easy .... they told you what to think, what to do to not to get in troubles, they forbade almost everything, so you actually couldnt get in troubles ...

    Everybody knew something stinks here.... but we were afraid to ask ... we were afraid to be hassled... so we did shut up ...

    By the way - doesnt it remind you somenthing?


    P.S.: The happy end of the story is - on one beautiful day, all of sudden, the people got fed up and kicked the communists out....

  • Perry

    Eastern European?

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Interesting comparison with the WT. High-control, authoritarian groups seem to use the same techniques, whether they are communist countries or cults.

  • AnnOMaly

    Sounds like Oceania.

    (I've finally got around to reading Orwell.)

  • GermanXJW

    ...and there was a committee of old men.

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Yes, it is eastern Europe.

    And the funny think is:

    I after all left the country to gain freedom .... got to Canada ... freedom was so uncorfottable for me, that I soon joined first destructive cult I met on the street ... found the "truth" ... got baptized ... went back to my country to help to spread the "truth" to all the unbelievers here ... did so for many years ... but now it is already OK, Iam recovering to a normal life...


  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I remember years ago an experience we heard at the assembly.

    Russion bro moved with his wife and kids to America so that they could have a better life. Soon the wife and kids were getting involved in all kinds of worldly activities and he could see that they were devoting less and less of their lives to the troof. So what did he do? He packed them all back up and moved them back to Russia!

    At the time, even as a true believer, I thought this story was a lot of malarky. But now I can see that it could very well be true.

    It takes bigger balls to leave the cage then it takes to stay in the cage.

  • VIII

    Interesting! Glad you made it out of the communist country and the dubs.

    Mrs. Fiorini said what I was going to: The comparison to the JWs is startling.

  • Perry


    Wife is from Czech Republic. She is young enough to not remember too much communism. A few years after we got married I finally visited her home country. The remnants of such controlled thoughts and propaganda were still there if you looked for them.

    God bless you and your recovery!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    We Witnesses love our "fearless Leaders" of the Governing Body ZIG HAIL! LONG LIVE THE FAITHFUL SLAVE!

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