get a load of this
by mouthy 12 Replies latest watchtower medical
Someone's been working out!
I think every thing he says makes sense...
Another free mind!!
I was totally amazed to find out that they actually allow 'blood fractions' now. When I was little it was emphatically NO BLOOD! No discussion. You should have heard my mother describe how doctors want to get in their and 'mess around'... that's why they used blood. She was angry and screwed her face all up in disgust. I thought it a very odd reaction. It didn't make sense to me... and it didn't sit well in my heart and mind.
I think if all JWs actually believe the blood doctrine from the WT, then they should all 'abstain' by draining the blood from their bodies this instant. It's the same logic. This is where using the Bible for their own purposes (to prove they are God's only people) doesn't jive with other scriptures about blood, especially Levitus 17:14 and Deuteronomy 12:23. In addition, if the original blood doctrine had been accurate, truthful, and from God, it wouldn't have to change now would it?
One of my many issues with this organization.
I had a Rhogam injection, a blood fraction to prevent RH neg reaction from mother to infant, with all 4 of my pregnancies and with one miscarriage. The first two times, even though it wasn't exactly WTS policy yet to allow it, I had the injection. This was in 1988 and then in 1990 the first two times. (Interestingly, I had a sister for a midwife the first pregnancy and she didn't know I'd gotten it at the hospital, and then she surprised me by offering to give it to me after the delivery. She cared more about my subsequent pregnancies than the rules! Which made me think a lot of her, she was also an elder's wife. I think she offered it under the table to other Witnesses too, bless her heart!)
I just figured it was my business. I'm RH negative, and my husband is positive, which creates an increasingly dangerous medical situation for each successive child born for massive antibody reaction, which is in extreme cases, fatal to the fetus.
Since I'm 0 negative, I get asked a LOT to donate blood, as I'm what used to be called a universal donor (my blood is naturally more "neutral", and can be given to more different people in an emergency, as it lacks most of the reactive factors other people have).
It's also somewhat rarer...the vast majority of people are RH pos. Only 7.7% of the population have O neg blood. AB neg is the rarest, and I have an aunt who has that. She was a nurse and donated regularly for that reason.
I used to refuse to donate but I don't think it would bother me now...just hasn't come up.
This was wonderful, to watch his excitement and his genuine desire to give life-saving blood. You can tell this is coming straight from his heart. A more sincere, real gesture than he probably did his whole life as a JW. Giving blood is one of the first things I thought of doing while 'fading', I haven't done it yet but it's definitely on the top of my list. And I agree, we should all give blood to help save lives......
awildflower ... WELCOME to the board. I see this is your first post.
Were you a JW??? I am the nosy one on board the GRANNY!!!!
But your reply is right on in my humble opinion.... -