by badboy 32 Replies latest jw friends
Q: What causes continental drift?
A: Gawd did it.
Q: Why?
A: Because gawd knows best
Gawd did it. This is the explanation for anything a believer does not understand. Gawd did it. If they don't understand it... gawd did it.
Quite arrogant if you ask me. They are basically saying: "If I don't understand it, then it must be impossible and therefore a miracle... gawd did it."
Stop asking silly questions and underline your Watchtower.
Does that have anything to do with 'consensual"?
Does consensual drift have anything to do with a couple doing it?
Do you mean 'continental'? I believe that it is mostly 'consensual' in the Continent too!
Born and raised in Texas!
TheContinentsBeneathYourFeet—AreTheyDrifting? g77 6/22 16-21
Scientists take satisfaction in finding a theory that apparently brings many disparate kinds of information together into a unified picture. That is what they believe the tectonic-plate theory has done for the science of geology. But does that mean that it is therefore the final and correct answer? Not necessarily.
In spite of seeming wide-ranging successes of the theory, there are still many bits of information that do not fit into it. Geologists argue over the interpretation of details. As research continues, some of these questions may be answered in a way that harmonizes with the theory. On the other hand, there may remain stubborn facts that cannot be reconciled with it.
One major shortcoming is acknowledged in the present state of the theory. The forces that cause the upwelling magma along the ridges are not explained. Some geologists have been content with the general statement that convection currents inside the earth’s mantle are responsible. But what generates the convection, and why does its pattern change? When this idea is examined in detail, it breaks down. A convection current in air or water rises around a central axis, not in a long slender sheet that would form a ridge. It is even more difficult to imagine how the displacements along the transform faults can result from convection currents.
Professors Flint and Skinner of Yale University offer this word of caution in their book PhysicalGeology:
“The theory of plate tectonics seems to provide answers for so many questions that we are tempted to believe it is the long-sought unifying theory that explains the lithosphere [the land areas of the earth, from its surface to the center of the earth]. But we must be careful. Other theories, too, have seemed overwhelming in their promise, yet in the long run have proved incorrect. The theory of plate tectonics is still only a theory.”
Whether the tectonic-plate theory survives the test of time and proves correct or not, we have abundant evidence of the great power and wisdom of earth’s Creator.
Lots of blah blah blah, but they sit on the fence citing all the for’s and against, yet won’t give an answer until they receive the light!
we have abundant evidence of the great power and wisdom of earth’s Creator.
And what evidence is that?
WHAT IS JW VIEW ON CONITNENTIAL DRIFT?..........The WBT$ frowns on all kinds of Wordly Dances..The "Contential Drift" is just on more dance Satan uses to get people out of Kingdom Halls and into Night Clubs!......................LOL!!...OUTLAW
I have a feeling that Mattieu has given us some old information. Ever since 1950 it's been called Plate Tectonics since it involves more than mere continents drifting.
As far as the imprecision in stating or explaining the minutiae of the theory that does not detract from the basics of the theory. What Mattieu mockingly refers to as 'blah blah blah" is actually the humility of scientific langauage when it deals with imprecise details. Such criticism on a subject that is above our heads smells of the arrogance of Creationism with its absolutist arguments.
Watchtower says...."The earth is settling."
(that statement was published in the early 1960's. Someone here can probably find the exact reference.)
The Society has used the theory of plate tectonics to explain how the waters of the Flood covered the entire land area. Notice that the notion of a global Flood requires ("for the Flood to have happened", "the floodwaters must have", etc.) the geologically specious notion that substantial tectonic uplift and trenches produced by subduction did not exist as recently as 4,380 years ago:
*** gm [1989] chap. 8 pp. 112-113 pars. 30-32 Science: Has It Proved the Bible Wrong? ***
So, if everything were leveled out—if the mountains were flattened and the deep sea basins filled in—the sea would cover the whole earth to a depth of thousands of meters.
For the Flood to have happened, the pre-Flood sea basins would have to have been shallower, and the mountains lower than they are now. Is this possible? Well, one textbook says: "Where the mountains of the world now tower to dizzy heights, oceans and plains once, millions of years ago, stretched out in flat monotony. . . . The movements of the continental plates cause the land both to rear up to heights where only the hardiest of animals and plants can survive and, at the other extreme, to plunge and lie in hidden splendor deep beneath the surface of the sea."15 Since the mountains and sea basins rise and fall, it is apparent that at one time the mountains were not as high as they are now and the great sea basins were not as deep.
What happened to the floodwaters after the Flood? They must have drained into the sea basins. How? Scientists believe that the continents rest on huge plates. Movement of these plates can cause changes in the level of the earth’s surface. In some places today, there are great underwater abysses more than six miles [more than 10 km] deep at the plate boundaries.16 It is quite likely that—perhaps triggered by the Flood itself—the plates moved, the sea bottom sank, and the great trenches opened, allowing the water to drain off the land.This suggestion is as pseudoscientific as anything Kent Hovind has proposed.