"rate would have to be much higher in fact since you would need to factor in erosion. According to surveys of the Himalayan plateau, a total of 5-9 km of rock was eroded from the Tibetan Himalayas and about 12-25 km from the Higher Himalayas...." Which would mean a rate of uplift at least 2.5 times and perhaps 3 times [approx.] that of '13 feet per day'... Wheeee! Much stronger earthquakes!!
Keeping in mind we're just playing with an old Middle Eastern legend here and trying to 'fit' actual geological processes into that mythological timetable, what strength earthquakes do you think we're talking about - using the Richter scale, just to simplify things - oh, and I also didn't take time to calculate the length of the Himalayan ranges into the estimate... - so, what strength? I suspect the earthquakes would be well off the scale ... Never mind using the Richter...