Post 626
1. The matter of the zero year was simply a matter of methodology and when it was realized that there was an error then an adjustment was made. This is no big deal because chronology is a science that has always been in a state of flux. Suh fine tuning did not impact on the validity of the 1914 CE date for the end of the Gentile Times, thanks be to Providence.
2. Accoding to accurate Bible chronology Josiah died in 629 BCE so you are twenty years wide off the mark.
3. Biblical evidence begins Neb's reign in 624 BCE so once again you are twenty years off the mark.
4. 537 BCE is not guesswork but a defined date calculated with the secular and biblical evidence if you have a better date then please put it up. No one suggests that the trek back to Jerusalem took two years but rather 4 months would be reasonable depending on what route the exiles took.
5. To say that 607 BCE has no support is simply stupid because there is clear evidence both from the Bible, Josephus and NB chronology to support such a determination. With the latter its records brings us within a twenty years striking distance and when the seventy years is factored into that chronology then Bingo you have a rock solid, irrefutable 607 BCE.
5. Apostates have a hang-up over the zero year problem but fine tuning and correct methoidology proved the validity of 1914 CE.
scholar JW