Elders resent "other" elders. There's been no obvious love or unity between elders I know, just competition, manipulation, and trickery. It takes about two seconds for one elder to throw another elder under the bus.
You might be partly right, i agree there is a lot crap going on in the congr. and usually from experience
there was always one or two jerks on the body to make hell for the rest but i've attented many different congr.
in four different states i have to say the majority were sincere, truly beleived the watchtower crap
and tried to assist others. There was love and unity on the body of elders.
We were all under the spell of the Governing Body and gave our hearts and mind to them
and like fools we never questioned their reasoning and scriptures.
Just like all cults.
That's my experience as an elder for 22 years and MS for 8.