I will make just a small point, being fat does not = being a glutton.Two of the thinnest brothers I ever knew used to go to smorgasbord's and have eating contests.
Bethelite writes -Can be Disfellowshiped for being FAT??? Amazingly abusive articles!!!!
by Witness 007 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals
zombie dub
It definately works that way around - loads of thin people can eat anything and never put a pound on.
I've never met an obese person that only eats healthy salads and takes regular exercise though.
I've never met an obese person that only eats healthy salads and takes regular exercise though.
You ever met a terminal cancer patient that lost their hair, lost their appetite, but didn't lose one pound?
keyser soze
Keyser, How many religions make it a salvation issue?
Zero, including them. I was a JW for over thirty years and never saw obesity treated as a salvation issue. Nobody gets df'd for being too fat. Obesity is a major problem in this country. It can lead to serious health problems. Them telling people to not eat to the point where they become obese seems like practical advice, especially for them. Criticizing them for it seems rather petty to me.
I will make just a small point, being fat does not = being a glutton.
Agreed. But this is dealing specifically with gluttony, not just being over weight.
zombie dub
"You ever met a terminal cancer patient that lost their hair, lost their appetite, but didn't lose one pound?"
No, and I know they are extreme cases. I'm just generalising, in nearly all cases people that eat healthy food and exercise are not obese.
If you've eaten at Bethel you know what I mean...get in quick or the chicken, beans etc will be gone!
Luckily, I have not. Sounds to me like they need more food there. Quantity of food required is as individual as each person partaking. Or... instead of buffet or help yourself style, all plates are pre-loaded. Anyone needing more can ask for it. Either of these would avoid the need for this article to be written. Also, does Bethel have an exercise program? Just sayin'...
Is food a big thing in your life?
This is one of the main reasons I drag my carcass outta bed every morning! And another big reason why I work. Sooo... I would have to answer Yes! It is. So what? If someone has an obesity problem at Bethel, then I suggest getting this person some professional help instead of writing some prejudicial article.
A CO by the name of Caramelus(Conn. USA) used to get over weight brothers removed from serving as elders & MSs. They even used entrapment @ Bethel to DF or send over eaters back home some 30 years ago.
If the wt indeed did say this, "may incurr God's displeasure and lose his life...God will bring law defying gluttons to an end..." then it certainly sounds like they are making it a salvation issue.
Is it practical advice to tell people not to overeat? well sure, however, most overweight people already know they shouldn't eat so much, smoker's all know how bad smoking is for them, and like the wt or Awake that tells people how to wash their hands after they go to the bathroom is correct, it is assinine. Telling grown adults and writing articles that consist of pages of how to... wash your hands after you go pee-pee or poopy, quit stuffing your mouth after your ready to bust a gut and things of such nature should be insulting to people with half a brain. Attaching your eternal salvation to these 'pearls of wisdom' from NY would be laughable if it wasn't so sad that some people actually wait with bated breath for each new issue of how to... live every freakin' second of your life. What next? a how to for men .... how to make sure it's safely tucked in your pants before you zip?
Agreed, all fat people are certainly not gluttons and thin people can also be gluttons.
keyser soze
I'm not denying that articles such as this are insulting. But articles such as this aren't exclusive to the pages of the WT. That's what I'm disputing, along with the assertion that this is an issue of any relevance to JWs. Nobody gets DF'd for being fat, simple as that. There are far more compelling things to fuel your hatred of JWs.
I do know of elders that were counseled about being overweight and having some duties removed...was it more a personality thing and this was just an excuse to bother him. He wasn't that heavy and was not a glutton that I ever saw. He did drink too much and I figured that was the real reason.
I have encountered some real gluttons and they were both average size. Wondered where they put it?