I found this video on YouTube and was hoping all of the aposta friends on this site would help to educate this poor fella on the truth about the "truth". I gave a brief comment and hope to hear from you guys as well!
Why People Hate Jehovah's Witnesses
by jamiebowers 19 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe
"Whenever a religion is teased its (sic) always about Jehovahs (sic) Witnesses. Never have I seen any other religion teased."
He's full of fitspa.
White Dove
"A Catholic, a Jew, and a Muslim walk into a bar..." Yeah, it's been done before. This guy is too sheltered and short sighted.
That person is only 15!
John Doe
That person is only 15!
I suspected such. It's a shame because he has some good skills he could be developing. Instead, he'll be throwing his life away on a cult.
i'm sorry to say but Jw's act like there shit dont stink aka my family also. that their the only people that get hated on. o'please give me a break. they need to open their eyes.
see ya peaches
1. JW's are a cult of Christianity, not a religion.
2. To believe such nonsense is to discount the numerous instances of religious oppression in recorded human history.
3. It's always about them. Always.
Big Tex
From my limited experience, most people don't give a damn about Jehovah's Witnesses one way or the other. IF there's an opinion it's annoyance at being woke up on the weekend. Otherwise, people don't know or care one whit about them.
What Big Tex said.
They're irrelevant.
That person is only 15!
I haven't seen any abusive comments yet, but thanks for he disclaimer. I didn' realize the video maker is only 15, but he or she will be exposed to much worse than a few apostates on the Internet.